Social Issues/Theory Paper
February 10, 2020
ethics assignment
February 10, 2020
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Genetic Heritage and DNA Analysis

You are suddenly interested in your genetic heritage and want to have an analysis performed on your total DNA. Outline the process you would go through to acquire this information and explain what you would hope to learn from this information. Essays with less than 1000 words will receive reduced credit. Your reference list does not contribute to the word count. You can use any resource to acquire information but the writing must be entirely in your own words. Remember we are seeking at least some biochemical/genetic information at a molecular level. Please make this essay as personally relevant as is consistent with your comfort level. Cite at least three references that you used to answer this question.
-Who would perform this analysis for you?
-What information would you receive?
-What methodology would be used in the analysis?
-How have the current sequencing methods changed from the original methods?
-How have changes in methodology speeded the acquisition of sequence data?
-What could the analysis tell you about your familys original country/countries of origin?
-What might this tell you about your family tree and the ethnic nature of your ancestors?
-What might this tell you about your genetic diseases or other potential medical problems?
-What might this tell you about your physiological or mental capabilities?
-What might this tell you about the potential for genetic diseases in your children?
-Could the information result in any changes in your behavior or lifestyle?
-How might this information change your outlook on the nature of ethnic differences?


    Submit the essays of at least 1000 words length on or before the deadline.
o    Essays submitted late will lose 10% per day.
    The writing must be ENTIRELY in your own words.
o    Important!  Material copied from other sources is plagiarism and will result in reduced credit.
o    Please do not copy and paste from sources and then try to add your
own words to try to fool the Turnitin system.
o    Egregious examples of plagiarism will result in zero credit and may lead to disciplinary action.
    Essays with less than 1000 words receive reduced credit.
    Your sources should be cited in the text, not just at the end.  Those sources should be from published reports or articles.  Previous essays by other students should not be used as a source of information for your essays.
    Quoted material should not be used and will not be included in your word count.
    The reference list does not contribute to your word count.
    Any or all of the assignments may be submitted as early as you desire and will usually be graded within a few days of submission.
    For these essays, please use complete sentences, acceptable grammar, appropriate punctuation and normal paragraph structure.
    Your grade will be based on content, clarity, accuracy, and fluency as well as acceptable writing style and grammar.
    The essays should be completely original works written by you in your own words with no sentences lifted from other sources.
    All submissions will be monitored by Turnitin to ensure that they contain your original writing.

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