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Eating disorder

As a family nurse practitioner you are working in a rural health clinic. You are evaluating a 16-year-old adolescent patient who comes in complaining of having a difficulty concentrating in school. On exam you also note that the patient is very thin and frail in appearance and is asking you for diet pills.

What are some initial areas for concern? What screening tools can help lead you closer to your diagnosis?

Describe 1 health promotion strategy you can discuss with the patient.

Be sure to address the following in your plan of care: pharmacological and non-pharmacological (OTC) interventions, labs, follow-up, teaching, and referral/s.

Your work should integrate course resources (text/s) as well as a minimum of two (2) other evidence-based guidelines and/or articles published within 3-5 years.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Youth risk behavior surveillance
          system (YRBSS). Retrieved from

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