Cybersecurity Issues for Business Travelers (preparing a position paper )
January 30, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
January 30, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your Assignment 4 relates to chapters 7 (Unemployment and Inflation), and 11 (Fiscal Policy) respectively. You will be answerring questions related to  Unemployment, the impacts of Inflation and Fiscal Policy. 

Your assignment is worth 5 pts, and each of the questions must have at least a half of page of writing  (150 words)

A reference page with at least two references from the FNU Library (LIRN / Library and Information Resources Network) specifically Pro-Quest, and textbook are required, you must also reference your in-text.

In addition your answers must prescribe to APA format.. You must submit a cover page, each question in a page by itself, and your references page must be also in a page by itself.  And, please do not forget to reference your in-text.  Lastly your assignment must be submitted via “Safeassign” in order to obtain your max points your work must be original in at least 70%.

Your assignment grade will be based on the following “Rubrics”

– APA Formatting 20% (running head, page numbering, font style & size, double spacing , margins 1″, paragraphs indents, proper and complete referencing for your references sources, references page hanging indents, in-text referencing)

– References Sources 20% (textbook, two other references from the FNU Library not the Internet)

– Originality Report 20% (70% or higher, titles and references do not count against your work)

– Content Relevancy 20% (100% relevant content to the subject matter)

– Content Volume 20% (it must be at least 150 words of writing per question)

Answer the following questions:

– Does the overall unemployment rate offer and accurate picture of the impact of unemployment on each U.S. population group?

– If actual inflation exceeds anticipated inflation, who will lose purchasing power and who will gain?

– What did classical economists assume about the flexibility of prices, wages, and interest rates? What disagreements did Keynes have with classical economists?

– What effect did the financial crisis of 2008 have on the federal budget deficit?

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