Reflective essay
January 26, 2020
Raising the Bar
January 26, 2020
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Brochure and Email

Brochure and Email
In this first assignment, you will develop a brochure and an email for your chosen organization, department, service, or product about its public reputation and how that impacts buying decisions. Choose a provider, service, or product that is located within 100 miles of your home. This may be:

A small health care organization (such as a podiatrist office, a physical therapy center, or a mental health clinic).
A department or service within a larger health care organization (such as a sports medicine department, hospice care, or diabetes management services).
A product offered by a health care organization (such as medical equipment, oxygen, or pharmaceuticals).
Part 1: Brochure
Imagine you are the marketing director of your chosen organization or department. You are charged with developing a brochure for a specific service or product within your organization. Select a provider and create a brochure to market the service or product that the provider offers. The brochure should meet the following criteria:

Provide information to health care consumers who might be interested in this service or product.
Why choose this specific service or product?
What are the benefits?
Give information that markets the service or product while leveraging the provider’s education, credentials, certifications, fellowships, and professional reputation.
Include statistics regarding the patients served, quality outcomes, and other patient satisfaction information. You may use these resources to find that information:
National Hospital Rankings.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Include images of your chosen provider. Include the organization’s logo, and utilize other suitable graphics or photos to enhance visual appeal. You may use these resources to find images:
Google Images.
Royalty Free Illustrations Images (Shutterstock).
Provide references (footnotes) for any statistics that you include.
You can use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Sierra Print Artist, or another software program to design a professional brochure. Here are some design resources to help spark your creativity:

The 174 Coolest Brochure Designs for Creative Inspiration.
How to Design a Stunning Brochure: 30 Expert Tips and Templates.
Create the Best Brochure.
Additional resources to help you complete this assignment are available in the assignment preparation study from the previous week.

Part 2: Email to a Provider
In a separate document, write a 12 paragraph email to your chosen provider in which you professionally comment on their online reputation.

Commend the provider on the positive aspects of their online reputation.
Describe how a provider’s reputation supports the health care organization’s professional reputation and supports marketing and growth of the organization.
Make recommendations to improve or enhance the provider’s online reputation and/or to broaden their reach.
If your provider is not a part of a larger health care organization, state this, and provide the hypothetical response you would offer if they did belong to a large health care organization. Explain how this provider’s reputation would affect the marketing strategy and positioning of the larger organization.

my zipcode is 29449, so any facility near this areas code will do.

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