Based on your research essay, you will construct a project that puts you in the time period and creatively tells a story from your research. It will be 7 pages total (unless you are doing a video – in which case it should be 1-3 minutes long.)
Suggestions might include:
Curation ProjectCuration ProjectCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten IntroductionIn a written introduction, tell me why you chose this format and what you learned in the creative process. What software did you use to complete it? What historical examples gave you ideas for you project?20.0 ptsFull MarksAnswers 4 questions: Why? What? Historical examples? Software?15.0 ptsGoodAnswers 3 questions: Why? What? Historical examples? Software?10.0 ptsFairAnswers 2 questions: Why? What? Historical examples? Software?5.0 ptsPoorAnswers 1 question0.0 ptsNo Marks20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreative PortionContains 5 pages, demonstrates creativity, clever use of format, communicates factual information.70.0 ptsFull MarksFantastic! Contains 5 pages, demonstrates creativity, clever use of format, communicates factual information.60.0 ptsGoodContains 5 pages, demonstrates some creativity, clever use of format, communicates factual information.50.0 ptsFairContains less than 5 pages, demonstrates some creativity, some clever use of format, communicates some factual information.30.0 ptsPoorContains less than 5 pages, demonstrates little creativity, little clever use of format, communicates little factual information.0.0 ptsNo Marks70.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWorks CitedInclude whatever sources you use to inform your project. This might be the same as your bibliography, but you still need to include it. If you add or subtract any sources for the creative portion, make the changes on this works cited.10.0 ptsFull Marks5.0 ptsGood0.0 ptsNo Marks10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0