argument for/against Insurance companies writing legislation for congressional approval
January 5, 2020
BUS445 Wk 1 Discussion 2
January 5, 2020
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BUS445 Wk 1 Discussion 1

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3 from the textbook, the lecture for Week 1, the Preview the document, and watch the .

Discuss how ideas from the different gurus covered in the reading can apply to Spoon University. How can the editorial team keep pace with their current production volume, and how can quality be improved by applying quality ideas from these experts?

Required Resources


Evans, J. R., & Lindsay, W. M. (2017).  (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage.

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Quality
  • Chapter 2: Foundations of Quality
  • Chapter 3: Customer Focus


VanguardScotland1. (2010, January 19). [Video file]. Retrieved from

  • This video lists and describes Demings famous 14 Points for Management and will assist you in your discussions this week.

Recommended Resource


Platine, D. (n.d.). Preview the document. Unpublished manuscript.

  • This article provides information about the COPIS model where Customers buy Outputs made from Processes using Inputs received from S This reinforces the idea that the customer is the reason the business exists so we should be working to please the customer. This approach will be used throughout this course.

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