WRITING < please read

due in one hour
September 30, 2017
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September 30, 2017
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WRITING < please read

THREE PROMPTS: The following are four prompts from which you are to choose one and write a complete and thorough analysis. Choose the prompt that helps you demonstrate your connection and understanding of the class the most. The more you are able to demonstrate your ability to tie the various parts of the class together the greater your chances are at doing well. In addition to studying the presentations from the semester, each prompt will require that you engage in independent research. Couple of links will be attached to each of the prompts as resource suggestions but you are encouraged to go beyond that. TEXT SPECIFICATION: Your text should be between 850 and 1000 words. It should be accompanied by at least one image explaining some aspect of your analysis. Make sure you explain the intent of the image in few words in a text box underneath the image. Your text should be 12 Point with lines spaced 1 ½ spaces apart. You are encouraged to quote from your sources and if you do make sure you use quotations marks. CITATION: Make sure you cite your sources as follows: Name of author, name of book or article, city of publisher, name of publisher, year of publication, page on which quote was found. For example John Brown, The End of Time, New York: Dorris Press, 1999, P34. COVER PAGE: Your paper must be accompanied by a cover page with the following information on it. Your name The name, year and number of the class (SDC100: The world of design and construction: ) The name of your TA (TA:) My name: (Professor:)

Q1- In her presentation, Carrie Vielle talked about “adaptive reuse.” It is a term and a project type that cuts across all four programs we discussed in this class. This question is meant to evaluate your ability to explain what lies behind the term, especially from an interior designer’s perspective. To do that, you are to research the following two projects and ultimately choose one to develop your understanding of adaptive reuse. The first example is the Tate Modern (1995-2000) in London, by Herzog and de Meuron. It is a project where an old power plant was turned into a museum of modern art, keeping some of its interior but transforming others. The second is Troy Hall, here on our campus. An old attractive building, Troy Hall had outlasted its interior worth but rather than tearing it down the university decided to keep its exterior but revamp its interior. In writing your paper you are encouraged to follow the following process: 1- Research the two examples, finding information on the internet and in books and magazines. The first example is well published and written about. The second not so much but you can find information on it by calling our facilities planning department or the firm that is in charge of the design, Perkins and Will, Seattle. Here are couple of links to get you started: http://www.archdaily.com/429700/ad-classics-the-tate-modern-herzog-and-de-meuron http://www.lydig.com/projects/historical-renovation/washington-state-university-troy-hall https://perkinswill.com/work/washington-state-university-troy-hall 2- Why are these projects considered adaptive reuse? 3- What functional changes did they undergo? 4- How did interior design come to play a role 5- Did materials play a role in the new design and if so how? 6- Describe the new mood of the project. 7- Summarize the accomplishment of the project.

Q2- Landscape architecture has played a key role in transforming urban blight into viable and livable places today. One example is Millennium Park in Chicago, a project that Steve Austin talked about at some length in his presentation. It is a major project that turned an old and ugly rail road yards into an aesthetic and economic amenity for locals and visitors alike. For this question you are to research the park and write about its objectives and accomplishments. Why was it conceived? What is its scope? How does landscape architecture play a role in its transformation? 1- Research the project and understand its basic scope. http://aasarchitecture.com/2012/08/millennium-park-in-chicago.html http://www.rudybruneraward.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/06-Millennium-Park.pdf 2- How did landscape architects play a role in the project? 3- How did the landscape design impact the experience of passing through the project? 4- How is architecture included to support the design and success of the park? 5- Describe the overall expression/impression of the park. 6- Summarize the effect of the park on the city.

Q3- Recent development in 3D software such as BIM and CATIA have revolutionized the design and construction process. Where before architects and construction managers worked in two separate realms, today, and because of these advances in technology, their work has coalesced. Nowhere is this more evident than in the work of SHoP Architects who in the last ten years have adopted 3D technologies to fuse design with construction management, including shifting the construction from site to factory-based process. How may have they done that? How have they used advanced software to embed design with information related to construction and construction management? 1- Research the work and philosophy of SHoP architects. Use the following resources to help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LZLcnq9MJY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxo2wBYnJA8 SHoP Architects: Out of Practice (book) 2- How has the firm adopted 3D technologies to coalesce design and construction, including 4D and 5D possibilities (see Anne Anderson’s presentation)? 3- How might have their use of visualization technology made construction management part of design production? 4- How might they have incorporated the method of prefabrication into their logic of design and construction development? 5- How might have prefabrication helped achieve optimum results and save on cost? 6- Summarize the way the firm has been able to bring design and construction management as part of a singular idea and in doing so optimize the making of buildings.

Q4- “Aging in place” is a phenomenon that is increasingly becoming more pressing. As the baby boomer generation ages and retires, it seeks ideas and solutions as to where to settle and how to enjoy the rest of one’s life. The matter is partly about economics and healthcare but partly also about the quality of interiors that the retired person will want to live in. This question challenges you to grapple with this issue and to analyze the degree to which the work of the interior designer can help. 1- Read the following article and respond to the questions below: https://www.clark.wa.gov/sites/default/files/dept/files/communityplanning/aging/aging_in_place1.pdf 2- What is aging in place? 3- What might be growing industry? 4- What are the challenges facing the designer in making an existing place suitable for aging? 5- How might materials be important in addressing this concern? 6- Summarize the issues associated with this question and provide a vision for the future.

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