How much precipitation does the tropical savanna get per year?

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How much precipitation does the tropical savanna get per year?

The normal range of precipitation in a tropical savanna is about 50 to 100 cm per year, but some areas can get as little as 25 cm and others as much as 200 cm.

Savannas are located near the equator. They cover much of Africa as well as large areas of Australia, South America, and India.

Savannas exist in areas where there is a 6 to 8 month wet summer season and a dry winter season.

The dry season is marked by months of drought and fire, which are essential to the maintenance of savannas.

Without this period of drought and fire, the savannas would eventually change into tropical forests.

Here are some typical annual rainfalls for various tropical savannas.

  • Botswana : 50 – 70 cm
  • Namibia : 35 – 70 cm
  • Kenya : 100 – 200 cm
  • Brazil: 125 -200 cm
  • India : 75 – 150 cm
  • Australia : 50 – 100 cm
  • Everglades : 120 – 160 cm

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