For_Alma_Mater only

September 30, 2017
African American Poetry Assignment
September 30, 2017
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For_Alma_Mater only


The overall objective of the paper is to show that outsourcing can be helpful in franchising

The first document is called research paper plan.

I need

Abstract (one paragpah)

Methodolgy (2 -4 lines describing the methdology)

Implications (2 or three lines)

Limitations (3 lines)

Findings (2 3 lines)


Part 1 literature review (make titles : outsourcing shoiwng the different studies done on outsourcing) I have already done some research in the document called (second paper) use it + then show that outsourcing in the field of franchisng is still not very well developed as a field of study)

Practical part: Imagine you conducted a survey to prove the hypothesis : this part should have methdogoly + findings

last thing conculsion

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