This homework is following up with this homework
So you will find the 5 articles about what you wrote before.
I would like you to locate five journal articles, in the professional literature, directly related to your research topic. While you may use a variety of search options, your best bet would be to use PsycINFO and similar electronic databases.
*Let me know if you need to Sign in from my account.
Before you embark on your electronic database search in PsycINFO, you should expand the number of databases that you are using in order to draw on more potential sources. To do that, once you connect to PsycINFO, click on the Choose Databases tab and expand your search to include PsycARTICLES, Academic Search Premier and the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Then all of your database searches will look at all four databases, which will expand the number of articles that you find and provide you easy access to some full text journals.
After you locate information relative to your five journal articles, send me an e-mail containing the following information for each of the five articles you found. Yes, this means you will send me five complete references. And since you will have to eventually anyway, send these five references to me in APA Style.
List the journal name, title of article, author(s), volume number, page numbers and publication date, for each article, in appropirate APA Style for references as described in the APA Publication Manual.
Pick at least one journal article reference that has a full text article attached to it and write it in red color.