Differentiate between international and domestic marketing.

Organizational Change Paper
September 30, 2017
Reading Res 89 2 pages
September 30, 2017
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Differentiate between international and domestic marketing.

DUE TODAY   2/20/2017   

Knowing your Market

One of the major fast-food companies is a global force. A hamburger and fries may be the United States’ meal of choice, but in Japan, you might see customers ordering a shrimp burger or in India, a spiced-potato croquet sandwich. The global palate is rich in its diversity and cultural or religious dietary customs dictate many of these choices. The restaurant’s golden arches may be a near universal symbol of fast food in many international markets, while the menu items are as distinct as the markets the restaurant serves.


Select and research a company that sells the same type of product in multiple global markets. (Do not use the above example). You will also be asked to access country-specific Web sites for the brand/product being discussed.

Many sites will not be in English. It is not necessary to be able to read the sites, but some browsers have tools for basic text translation. Be advised that the translations are often incorrect especially when it comes to marketing slogans and descriptions.

  • Describe the differences in product offerings in 2 countries compared to the company’s product you are familiar with in your home country. This is a total of 3 countries.
  • Go to company’s Web sites for the countries described and assess how the Web sites are visually similar or different for the 3 markets. Include the links in your post.

Please do not use attachments; answers should be pasted or typed directly to the discussion board.

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in APA format.


Continue working with the brand and 3 countries from last week’s post. Research and discuss why the product or product placement has been altered in the 3 markets. (AIU Database article database RESEARCH REQUIRED)

Your analysis must be substantiated by research from articles in the library’s full-text databases. Use of consultant or other inappropriate sites is banned and may result in a zero for the assignment.

Please do not use attachments; answers should be pasted or typed directly to the discussion board.

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to attribute your sources.

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