Author’s Workshop Storytelling Worksheet As the author of this story, you can write about anything you choose. Your final story can be as short as half a page, but it must be a complete narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. Be sure to intentionall

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Author’s Workshop Storytelling Worksheet As the author of this story, you can write about anything you choose. Your final story can be as short as half a page, but it must be a complete narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. Be sure to intentionall

Author’s Workshop Storytelling Worksheet

As the author of this story, you can write about anything you choose. Your final story can be as short as half a page, but it must be a complete narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. Be sure to intentionally create pace with your sentence structure and include at least five lines of properly punctuated dialogue.

Think Before You Write

Take a few notes to answer each of these questions before you start writing:

  1. What will your story be about?
  2. What type of pace fits this type of story?
  3. How do you create that pace?
  4. What type of dialogue would be appropriate in this situation?

For example:

A story about racing to save the world from an alien invasion would be pretty fast paced. Using short choppy sentences would help build tension and create a feeling of being out of breath. The dialogue in this story would include a lot of yelling and shouting between the characters fighting the invasion. You want the reader to feel the rush as you tell the story.

A story about visiting your grandmother in the hospital would have a slow, somber pace. The sentences would be long and thoughtful. The dialogue would reveal a variety of emotions from fear to care and concern. You want the reader to feel the pain and sorrow of the visit along with your characters.

Write Your StoryAnalyze Your Writing

  1. Now that you have finished your story, go back and highlight the places where you incorporated pacing techniques. Explain in a few sentences how these techniques affected the story.
  2. In a few sentences, explain how you used dialogue to share additional information about your characters and their situation.


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