Speech Code Theory

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Speech Code Theory

Speech Code Theory

Select two major references which covers the Speech Code Theory (will upload later). Do the critical reading of the selected full-length sources first. Then, write the following parts in the paper using double space and 12 font size, Times New Roman:
a. Introduction (1 page)

b. Synthesize the major ideas in the 2 sources in your own words. (2 pages)

c. Critique the textbook author’s chapter on the theory in terms of thoroughness, accuracy and originality of interpretation in light of these original sources. (2 pages )

d. Evaluate the theory using the two sets of standards of evaluation (the one is scientific and the other interpretive) spelt out in Chapter 3 of the textbook (will upload later) and the 3rd set of standard of the critical tradition spelt out by Prof. Jia (will upload later). (4 pages)

e. Conclusion (1 page)

Errors and weaknesses in spelling, structure, grammar, documentation of references and lack of originality in wording will result in loss of up to 15% out of the total assignment grade.

Grading of the overall quality of the written paper is based on the degree of thoroughness, accuracy and originality of synthesis, critique and evaluation.

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