The topic of the paper must be related with Intercultural business, international business practices or any cross cultural aspects in international business. Topic must be approved by your instructor in advance. Group of max of 3-4 students are allow to work. Please notify your instructor.
The Paper should be 10 double-spaced pages include bibliography, charts, etc. Typed in font 12 Times Roman. MLA format. The first page must contain the title, your name or group names and W#, course name, date.
Paper will be grade based on:
Descriptive, interpretative, and theoretical knowledge the students communicates about his/her theme/research,
Presentation style,
Content and updated information
Knowledge and understanding about world-wide cross-cultural differences
Ability to recognize cultural situations across the world and formulate solutions or recommendations.
Paper is due: July 25 at 11pm
Attach your paper here. Write in the subject your name or groups last names.