In Black Womanhood, Misogyny and Hip Hop: A Feminist Intervention

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August 15, 2017
In answering the following questions, include the calculations you make.
August 15, 2017
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In Black Womanhood, Misogyny and Hip Hop: A Feminist Intervention

Project description here are the instructions for the paper. œIn Black Womanhood, Misogyny and Hip Hop: A Feminist Intervention, Anita Simmons argues that the sexism and misogyny (hatred of women) in Hip-Hop is a œre- articulation of misogynistic attitudes towards black women that have existed in our society since the forced migration of Africans to the Americas during the chattel system of slavery.(p. 28) Why does she argues that in Hip-Hop the ˜priorities of white supremacy reign supreme.. aided by the very people that dominant white culture continues to oppress’? (p. 47) What are some of the arguments and evidence Simmons uses to support her overarching argument? How, for instance, did black manhood after the end of slavery come to depend on ˜putting down’ or ˜demeaning’ black women? (p. 40-41) Why do Simmons (and bell hooks) think that so many white men find Hip-Hop attractive? (p. 40). Lastly, what kind of Hip Hop does Simmons advocate for? (p. 46) Do you find her arguments convincing or not? Why or why not? Read the article fully before responding. Please back up your arguments and posting with page numbers, as I have done, from the actual text “ I am not interested in random ˜opinions’ that do not engage directly with the text. 

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