Improving Organizational Morale

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Improving Organizational Morale

Improving Organizational Morale Name Institution Improving Organizational Morale The moment employees lack motivation to take part in activities at the workplace, the company’s productivity reduces and absenteeism increases. Lack of enthusiasm among employees has a great impact on the organization’s bottom line. The most recent employee involvement assessment indicated that corporations with highly engaged works show nearly four times the financial development rate than companies with lower involvement employees. In the current difficult fiscal environment, where workers often stretch beyond their limits and worry about layoffs, it is tougher than ever to keep employees motivated (Amar, 2001). Through investing time and effort in bringing a team together and ensuring that they felt respected and wanted, an organizational leader can ensure that members of the team overcome hard times. As a result, they can help the company as a whole in goal attainment and becoming stronger each day of its operations. This analysis will focus on six main strategies that can work effectively to boost organizational morale. Firstly, a leader can motivate employees or team members by giving them a reason to believe. Essentially, employees in an organization are part of something bigger than their individual efforts. However, in most cases, members of a team or organization may not know their importance. Essentially, it is significant to foster a culture among employees that helps them understand and share the vision of the organization (Ingram, 2009). The vision should serve to motivate and inspire team members, down to the junior members of the organization. It is effective in facilitating company growth. In our organization, for instance, the sole purpose is ˜Improving Lives’. As a result, each member of the team should learn to improve lives of people. They should ensure this directly through provision of services like massage therapy, in addition to enhancing lives of the human resource teams by administering the entire massage program. Through such activities, employees leave each member of the organization free to undertake their personal tasks. The second strategy to improve organizational morale is through care. Employees have personal needs that feature on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs pyramid. They first require fulfilling their basic needs of setting food at the table for their families through their salaries. After the basic needs, employees focus on the social aspect of their lives. For this reason, it is imperative to appreciate each employee through provision of incentives during special days in their lives. Senior managers and company directors should play an active role in workers’ lives so that these individuals felt loved and valued not only by employees, but as family members and social beings. The moment leaders show love to their employees, they give more than one can imagine about company goals. Employees are the heartbeat of every company’s operation. It is crucial to make taking care of employees’ personal life the highest priority and ensure they are extremely happy at all times (Amar, 2001). Another important thing that can serve to boost organizational morale is recognizing the good. It is evident in every corporation that workers play a crucial role in sustaining all functions of a business. Without employees, an organization is nothing less than a dead dream. Some of the workers do extremely well and go out of their hand to ensure that they meet company goals at the expense of their personal happiness. It is upon the managers to inform the person who does something good that they attribute the achievement to their relentless efforts. The most important thing is to recognize people of a team who receive positive feedback from clients. Employees develop a desire to go overboard in their tasks for the sake of customers when leaders appreciate their efforts (Pritchard, 1990). Such activities build an organization’s reputation in the face of clients. For example, in our organization, it is the company’s policy to ask customers how their therapists handled them. The next step is passing any positive feedback received from customers to individual employees who provided the services. Feedback does not imply focusing on the positive side. Managers as well pass across negative feedback, but secretly so that an employee does not feel embarrassed in the presence of colleagues. The fourth strategy is learning the value of ˜fringe benefits’. Although a corporation may not be at the level that allows offering of competitive full fringe benefits, small benefits may prove effective in sustaining the morale of the organization. A good example of fringe benefits is providing a monthly fitness allowance to employees through anything related to health and wellness. It is vital to feel the presence of every team member at every meeting through monetary incentives. In this sense, the organizational morale goes up when workers attend meetings and contribute to the strategic plan of every financial year (Pritchard, 1990). In any workplace, employees expect constant career development opportunities. When workers see that there is a chance to improve their career within the organization, it speaks a lot in encouraging them to work hard (Bowles, Cooper & Palgrave Connect, 2009). As a result, it is imperative for managers to identify skills and talents possessed by different members of the team. The next thing will be identifying ways to improve those skills for future benefits by the firm. For instance, if a company has a stellar member, it is critical to invest in training the team member as the company advances. The last aspect, of improving organizational morale, is bringing on the fun. Fun is a common thread among fast-growing corporations in the world today. Fun offers a great opportunity for employees to attend to their social needs. Taking their minds away from their daily routine work serves well in bringing employees’ skills into creativity. Through fun moments, employees find a chance to exchange their experiences at work and devise techniques to improve their working conditions. Such a strategy is profitable to the entire organization since it maximizes on expertise through exchange programs (Ingram, 2009). In conclusion, improving organizational morale is multifaceted it requires that the management explore all possible ways that make the lives of both employees and customers favorable. Most successful companies borrow a wide array of strategies for improving employee morale at the workplace. As noted from the discussion, employees are social beings. As a result, they require that senior members of the team attend to their basic and social needs. Through good incentives, employees can achieve their objectives at the basic level. The result is working hard to meet collective objectives of the company. Every individual requires recognition and appreciation. For this reason, when employees work well, giving a positive feedback is effective in improving their morale to work even better. The self-actualization level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs from an employee point of view is achievable through career development opportunities. References Amar, A. D. (2001). Managing knowledge workers: Unleashing innovation and productivity. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Bowles, D., Cooper, C. L., & Palgrave Connect (Online service). (2009). Employee morale: Driving performance in challenging times. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Ingram, H.J. (2009). Organizational Transparency, Employee Perceptions, and Employee Morale: A Correlational Study. New York: ProQuest. Pritchard, R. D. (1990). Measuring and improving organizational productivity: A practical guide. New York: Praeger Publishers.

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