Identify a current journal article that addresses one of the ethical or legal issues noted in

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Identify a current journal article that addresses one of the ethical or legal issues noted in

Identify a current journal article that addresses one of the ethical or legal issues noted in this week’s readings/lectures (refusal of care, physician-assisted suicide, the right to a natural death,

sterlization, contraception and abortion, emergency contraception or maternal-fetal conflict). Summarize the issue, apply the class concepts in your discussion and comment if you feel the situation was addressed appropriately. Two page summary (ONLY TWO PAGES), in APA format. Be sure to include title and reference pages and make sure you have them correctly formatted (not included in the 2 pages).

You may write on any ethical or legal issue mentioned within the readings/lectures for this week as long as it is not the same as your research paper and not on the Affordable Care Act. Personal interjections ONLY go in the conclusion not in the body of the paper.

You do not have to cite your reference within the article IF you are only using one article. You must state the reference at the end of the article; however, on a separate reference page properly formatted.

Textbook- Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Laws and Ethics by Dean Harris (2011) 3rd edition.

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