Hypothesis Testing Aim By the end of this exercise you should have become confident in utilising selected parametric and non-parametric statistical tests to determine if data sets display patterns/relationships. You should become competent in the steps utilised in hypothesis testing and in the use of Minitab. For this assignment you will need to undertake a series of statistical tests. For each test you will need to:- a) State the Null and Alternative Hypotheses b) State the Significance Level being adopted c) Undertake appropriate tests to determine which statistical test is appropriate (e.g. Parametric or non-parametric) d) Clearly state which statistical test is being utilised e) Utilise Minitab to calculate the test statistic and present these results f) Clearly state if a significant result has been determined and note if the Alternative Hypothesis is to be accepted. g) Briefly try to explain the pattern/relationship you have identified by making reference to appropriate literature. The following tests have to be attempted a) Undertake a Two Sample Chi2 test on the landuse data derived from the sampling exercise you completed. You need to determine if the distribution of landuse (Arable/Pasture/Woodland) is influenced by the underlying rock type (Chalk or Greensand). You need to combine the data you collected by using random sampling with the results of 6 other students form your data set. b) For your selected data set test the relationship between three sets of two variables (e.g. rate of erosion v cliff height, rate of erosion v northing, rate of erosion v easting). For at least one relationship your expectation should be that no relationship is present. If a significant correlation is identified linear regression should be undertaken to describe the nature of the relationship. c) For your selected data set undertake three tests of difference to determine if particular attributes impact on the data (e.g. rates of erosion before and after coastal defences).