hypothesis we might hypothesis that with age children become less frustrated and cry less whenever ther are being restraint in a car seat for a particuar amount of time. an experiment was done which observed eight children, respectively at 12 months of age, 18 months and 24 months. The experiment done tested each child and their response to being restrained in a car seat for a sertain amount of seconds, from 5-10 seconds. The two dependent variables that we were assigned observe were crying and frustration. According to our observations, we had to scale each of the childs response. not crying at all 0 “ 1- 2- 3- 4- 5 crying histarically and no frustration 0 “ 1- 2- 3- 4- 5 extremely frustrated PICTURE 1 since one observer was responsible for measing their crying response, the other observer measured the frustration response. We had to find out the Inter Rater Reliability responce. Our responses were combined and calculated through SPSS (Statistics softwear, used for statistical analysis) Our results have been paired up for each age group. Firstly: through SPSS we meashured The Alpha Levels for each child at ages 12, 18,24. the results were really high, for each child .876 or .854 therefore the hypothesis might be rejected Secondly: we count through SPSS Inter Rated Reliability pair 1 average crying age 12 months + average frustration age 12 months = .229 (result not so significant) pair2 average crying age 18 months + average frustration age 18 months = .013 (significant result) pair 3 average crying age 24 months + average frustration age 24 months = .035 (significant result) These results provide us with the degree of Inter Rated Reliability. (which are .229; 0.13; .035) PICTURE 2 Thirdly: Afterwords, we calculated the mean through a Paired- Sample T-test. In order to confirm our predictions and to determine whether our predictions are significantly true. The Test Between “ Subjects Effect gave us a significant result Mean for crying between children ages 12,18,24 = .005 as well as Mean for frustration between children ages 12,18,24 = .002 (If there are very few observations, then there are also respectively few possible combinations of the values of the variables and, thus, the probability of obtaining by chance a combination of those values indicative of a strong relation is relatively high.) therefore if p<.005 than the corretation is highly significant PICTURE 3 PICTURE 4 According to Repeated Measure analysis and furthur SPSS analysis, it shows that the Alpha level is significantly higher then the p- value, which is acumilated and measured in the PAired Sample T-Test. (Any time your p-value is smaller than the significance level, the difference is significant and you reject the null hypothesis.) In our case p- value for crying = .005 p- value for frustration = .002 Alpha Level crying age 12 = .891 crying age 18 = .781 crying age 24 = .893 same large numbers for frustration.