Health sciences and medicine

Budget Proposal
August 15, 2017
How have political or policy decisions over the years affected the current health services system?
August 15, 2017
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Health sciences and medicine

Health sciences and medicine

1. Analysis of Power and Politics within Healthcare Organizations

Review Chapter 8 of your course text, including the section on Henry Mintzberg’s political games which begins on page 143. The chapter’s author has provided a depiction of each political game element as it pertains to health professionals in a health care organization. Identify a professional organization in which you have worked or volunteered (it does not have to be related to health) and describe its members. Evaluate each member as you determine their basis of power within the organization. Identify any political games that you were aware of by members of the staff or any ancillary employees/volunteers. Additionally, identify any political games that you were aware of that were played by the managers, administration, and/or the Board of Directors. If you did not witness or were not aware of any political games at your organization, describe a potential scenario of what a situation could look like for your selected workplace. Give two examples, one for the staff and one for someone in leadership. What were the motivations (or potential motivations) of why the games may have been pursued? Were there (or could there be) any negative impacts on an organization by the occurrence of these games? Give examples of the negative impacts.

2. Managing Conflict and Interpersonal Relationships

Review the case study presented in the course text at the top of page 151. What organizational strategy would you recommend the CEO utilize to get the organization back on track considering conflict management and interpersonal relationships?

1. Read from the text, Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development:

o Chapter 7: Group Dynamics
? This chapter provides concepts such as teams and group processes within the health care organization are evaluated.
o Chapter 8: Power and Politics
? This chapter provides concepts such as sources of power and politics within the health care organization are evaluated.
o Chapter 9: Conflict and Interpersonal Relations
? This chapter provides concepts conflict management and interpersonal relationships are evaluated.
More Recommended Resources
3. Anderson, M. (2009). The role of group personality composition in the emergence of task and relationship conflict within groups. Journal of Management and Organization, 15(1), 82. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.
4. Sword, L.D. (2008). A complexity science view of conflict. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 10(4), 10. Retrieved from the ProQuest database

2. make sure that you allow the discussion to be cited as to how much you are directly quoting. and how much is your original discussion. Try to make it more original as to Your OWN WORDS and views as possible.Please review the required resources from chapters 7,8,9 to complete assignment.

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