Greek Mythology Ques.

Grounding for the metaphysics of morals
August 15, 2017
Greek mythology
August 15, 2017
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Greek Mythology Ques.

1. Why did Creon forbid the burying of Polynices? 2. How does Ismene react to Antigone’s decision to bury her brother? Are her reasons logical? Why or why not? 3. What punishment did Creon decree for anyone who violated his law? How did he react when he realized who the culprit was? 4. The theme of the play is Civil Disobedience vs. Man-made laws. What defense does Creon offer for his law forbidding the burial of Polynices? Are his arguments valid? Why or why not? 5. Some critics have argued that Antigone has a death-wish, a theory which decreases the impact of the sacrifice she is willing to make. Do you agree or disagree with this theory? Explain your answer. 6. What role does Tiresias have in this play? How does Creon react to his words? How does his reaction differ from his words in OEDIPUS? 7. What flaw does Creon have? Give examples to support your answer. 8. At what point does the reversal scene occur? Support your answer. 9. How does he punish Antigone? Why does he choose this type of punishment? 10. How does his son react? And his wife? 11. What does he realize at the end of the play? 1. Why do the people of Thebes think Oedipus is a great king? 2. How does he react to the desperation of his people? What does this say about him? 3. What was the answer to the riddle posed by the Sphinx? 4. Who is Tiresias? Why was he reluctant to tell Oedipus the truth? How did Oedipus react to his words? 5. What warning did Creon bring from the Oracle of Delphi? How does he react to the accusations of Oedipus? 6. Why does Oedipus continue his search for the killer of the previous king? 7. What reassurance does Joscasta give him? What is ironic about her words? 8. At what point does the reversal scene occur? Defend your answer. 9. Who is the first to understand the truth? How does this person react? 10. What is the significance of the shepherd? What does he tell Oedipus? 11. How does Oedipus react to his words? 12. Why is he banished at the end of the play? What is ironic about his punishment? 1. How can this play be considered a tragedy without a tragic hero? 2. How does Medea convince Aegeus to give her protection in Athens? 3. Why does the author use women in the chorus? What point is he trying to make? 4. Why is Creon planning to send her into exile? How does Jason react to this information? What does this say about his character? 5. Why does Jason show up every time Medea demands his presence? What interpretation is possible about their relationship? 6. The play ends with several issues unresolved. This stands in contrast to other tragedies, which end with the idea of order being restored. What point is the author attempting to make? Why is it easier for modern readers to understand this play than other tragedies? 7. Give two examples of œdeus ex machina. Define the term.

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