Government Law

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August 15, 2017
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August 15, 2017
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Government Law

Government Law 1. Define and describe the budgeting process as it relates to government contracting and the impact of the Antideficiency Act. (6 points) 2. Define and describe the three tier legal structure of government contract law. (5 points) 3. Define and describe cost reimbursement contracts including the various types. Describe whne the government uses cost type contracts. Finally, describe the additional administrative burdens on the company and government in monitoring the performance of the contract. (8 points) 4. How does commercial contracting differ from the sealed bid process and the competitive procurement process? What are the benefits of commercial contracting to the government? (6 points) 5. Describe the Changes Clause including how it is invoked/applied, the benefits both the government and the contractor and how issues resulting from the Changes Clause are resolved. (7 points) 6. Define and describe the Federal Supply Schedule, discuss how it is used in government contracting and the benefits it provides to the government. (5 points) 7. Describe the competitive negotiated procurement process from beginning to end, including who can participate in the process. Also describe what type of specifications (design or performance) are preferred and why. (8 points) 8. Define and describe the Doctrine of Limited Authority of Government Agents and how it applies to government contract law. (5 points) 9. Define what is meant by a responsible bidder and a responsive bid. (5 points) 10. Define contra proforentum, when it applies and how the burden can be shifted to the other party. (5 points) 11. How does the government determine if a contract is in compliance with its terms and how is the compliance documented? (5 points) 12. Describe how the government encourages contractors to use inventions made during the course of a contract? (6 points) 13. Define and describe the principles of reasonableness and allocability of costs as they apply to government contracting. (5 points) 14. Define the Excusable Delays Clause, describe the purpose of the clause and provide four examples of excusable delays. (7 points) 15. What is the Small Business Set-Aside program, who qualifies as a small business and how does the Small Business Set-Aside program work? (7 points) 16. Brief G.L. Christian and States on page 39 of the text. (10 points)

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