comparing & contrasting the five main topics from the course syllabus with Saudi law. comparing & contrasting the five main topics from the course syllabus with Saudi law. Paper details 1- complete a Research Paper comparing & contrasting the five main topics from the course syllabus with Saudi law. 2-Table of Contents“with ALL five main sections as listed below. (For specifics, refer to course syllabus.) A. The legal business environment B. Torts and crimes C. Contracts and e-contracts D. Business organizations E. International law in a global economy 3-Contents are to be no more than 20 double-spaced pages, using the following format for page #s: Page 1 of 20. 4. Include Footnotes and Bibliography. 5- Enter the data in the top of this sheet; print the sheet; and staple this sheet to the Cover Page of your Research Paper ¦. Refer to the Legal Environment of Business course SYLLABUS for the three Learning Outcomes listed below Grade Learning Outcome #1“5 points __________ Learning Outcome #2“5 points __________ Learning Outcome #5“5 points __________ TOTAL possible points ___15____ TOTAL ____________ here are the things that you need from the syllabus:Topics to be Covered in this course: A. The legal business environment 1. Introduction to law and legal reasoning 2. The classification and branches of law 3. Court procedures and alternative dispute resolution 4. Islamic law sources B. Torts and crimes Intentional torts and privacy 2. Negligence and strict liability 3. Intellectual property and Internet law 4. Criminal law and cyber crimes C. Contracts and e-contracts 1. Nature and terminology a. Agreement in traditional and e-contracts b. Capacity and legality c. Mistakes, fraud, and voluntary consent d. Frauds-writing requirements and electronic records 2. Legality of contracts a. Third party rights b. Performance and discharge c. Breach of contract and remedies d. Warranties and product liabilities D. Business organizations 1. Business organizations under Saudi law 2. Formation and financing of companies 3. Commercial and civil companies 4. Mergers, consolidation and termination E. International law in a global economy 1. Negotiable instruments 2. Liability, defenses, and discharge 3. Checks and banking in the digital age 4. Secured transactions and bankruptcy law Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course the student will be able to: Summarize and explain the key principles of the legal environment in which business operates in Saudi Arabia. Discuss the interrelationships between Saudi Arabian business and labor laws and international business and labor laws. Demonstrate an increasing level of analytical reasoning through the analysis of actual court decisions. Develop the ability to express a œlegal opinion as part of presentations, group work, and in classroom situations. Demonstrate interpersonal skills through the ability to work effectively in group situations. the book that we use in this course:Reed, L., P. Shedd, M.A. Pagnattaro, and J. Morehead, Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, 15th Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010. ISBN: 007337766x