Formal Business report

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Formal Business report

Module Unit Work Related Learning 3 Upon successful completion of the module students will be able: LO1 critically analyse and reflect upon current practice and possible future developments. LO2 relate specialist knowledge and understanding to practice in relevant employment situations. LO3 critique work related activity and its impact on the organisational or professional context. Student Instructions The assignment is designed to assess your achievement of three of the learning outcomes from the Module, as detailed above. You should allow sufficient time to research and complete the assignment by the due date. Scenario for the assignment œResearch shows that two-thirds of UK private sector productivity growth between 2000 and 2007 was the result of innovation, and a separate worldwide study confirmed that innovation is central to growth in developed countries. Technology Strategy Board, A strategy for business innovation, 2011-2015 Choose an organisation to research with which you are familiar. You are to investigate a significant new development within the chosen business (or identify areas which the business could be improved). You must identify the new development and evaluate this with reference to a recognised academic theory of enterprise, innovation and entrepreneurship. You should apply this task to the organisation which you work for, or if you are not currently employed, you should apply the task to a company you are familiar with. Format of the Assignment You should present your assignment as “ Formal Business report This must be word-processed and double spaced, on white single-sided A4 paper and stapled in the top left-hand corner. The Harvard Referencing System must be used, as appropriate. Word count of 4,000 words Task 1 You should firstly provide a short introduction to your chosen company providing background information. You should then analyse the chosen company using a range of strategic tools, such as a SWOT analysis, Porter’s 5 forces, ANSOFF, Gap Analysis and a PESTLE analysis. You are also expected to analyse the market your company operates in, conduct a competitor analysis and conduct an internal audit. You are also required to collect, correlate and analyse any relevant statistical data to support your analysis. Task 2 The analysis undertaken in Task 1 should allow you to identify an area of the company which requires development. You are then required to generate solutions showing enterprise, innovation and entrepreneurial skills to address the identified area for development. You should aim to identify at least 3 solutions relating them to the theory of enterprise and innovation You are then required to critically analyse your chosen solutions which should lead to one solution being selected, which will form the basis of task 2 of the assignment. Task 2 (Oral Presentation) ***LEAVE OUT*** Task 3 Having analysed your organisation and identified your chosen innovative solution, you are required to identify and discuss the following in relation to your innovative solution: 1. Identify and evaluate the resource requirements to implement your solution 2. Explain how you would implement your solution comparing the roles and responsibilities of staff members required for your chosen organisation 3. Using a gannt chart (or similar) identify the proposed targets and timescales for achievement for your solution within your chosen organisation. 4. Provide recommendations on how the orginisation could continue with your solution once it has been implemented Task 4 Produce a statement which shows a critical reflection of your approach to carrying out the assignment. The statement should identify your strengths and areas to improve, skills & knowledge gained through completing this assignment, your increased understanding of orginsations and how you can apply your learning in the future. Student Name: Module: Work Related Learning 3

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