Find and review two or three articles that address financial reporting practices and ethical standards in health care finance, including the following topics:

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Find and review two or three articles that address financial reporting practices and ethical standards in health care finance, including the following topics:

Find and review two or three articles that address financial reporting practices and ethical standards in health care finance, including the following topics:

Generally accepted accounting principles

Corporate compliance, ethics, or fraud and abuse

Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper on the financial management of health care organizations, integrating your research articles.

Include a summary of the four elements of financial management from your assigned readings.

Include a summary of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and general financial ethical standards.  Give some examples of GAAP principles and what they mean.

Provide examples from the articles and your assigned readings that reflect ethical standards of conduct and financial reporting practices.  Discuss two or three companies that failed in maintaining ethical standards.

Explain the significance of each example and the impact that it had on the organization, the employees, and the public.


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August 15, 2017
Imagine you are an executive for BP, JP Morgan or, Goldman Sacs, and you are preparing a presentation for the board of directors about the organization’s direction..
August 15, 2017