Field Experience Paper Project instructions: FINAL FIELD EXPERIENCE PAPER Read Chapter 11 to prepare before the meetings. Each student will attend two support group meetings. The meetings should be either Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA); or one for the family members or loved ones of a substance abuser (i.e., ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics; CODA, Co-dependents Anonymous; Al-Anon). Ideally, you would attend a meeting identified for abusers themselves, and one intended for family. Do not attend institutional meetings (i.e., in hospitals, mental health centers, treatment centers, etc.), and do not attend Gamblers Anonymous for the purpose of this class assignment. For all Twelve-Step type meetings, please, be sure you attend ? ?open? meetings (unless you are in recovery). Closed meetings are only for those who actually have an alcohol or other drug problem. Students will compose a 4?5 page reaction paper, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, regarding their experience and understandings of the role of support groups in the recovery process Meeting Etiquette In the unlikely event that you are called on in a meeting, you may respond by saying, ? ?Hi. My name is ___ (first name only) and I pass? unless you would like to share. No one should ask you why you are there. If someone does ask why you are there you can say, ?I want to learn more about?? Informing Twelve-Step members that you are there to observe for a class is not appropriate. Prepare yourself for the meeting by reading Chapter 11 in the Van Wormer and Davis text. People are typically appreciative of your interest in the organization. Above all, respect the anonymity of people you meet there. You may meet people you know, but did not know about their membership. Meeting schedules of AA and other 12 Step groups in your area can be found online with details regarding whether they are open, closed, women only, men only, etc. It is most likely that you will be warmly welcomed. If you have the opportunity to attend with a group member you may feel more comfortable by doing so. Feel free to ask group members about procedures, activities, and the Twelve-Step community before or after the meeting (Please do not do this during the meeting. Cross talk?asking questions, responding directly to someone else?s experience, advice giving?is not allowed during a meeting.) Remember confidentiality and anonymity are requirements of the Twelve-Step groups. DO NOT bring materials to make notes or make a recording?you will need to make notes for your paper immediately after the meeting ends. 12-Step Field Notes Paper ? The paper is to be typed, double-spaced, limited to 4?5 pages, and written in APA Style (6th ed.). The title page, abstract, and reference page are not included in the page limit. Use the Van Wormer and Davis textbook at minimum, as a reference?you can use more. ? This paper will be graded on a 100 percent scale but is worth 40% of your grade. ? After the introductory paragraph(s) where the title is repeated as the heading (do NOT use the word Introduction), use the following Level I headings (centered, boldface, upper case and lower case letters): o Synopsis of the Meetings (i.e. observations of the participants, the topic, the activities, and the tone of the meeting) o Reactions to the Meetings (i. e. feelings, any counter-transference issues that emerge) o Analysis of Twelve- Step Meetings (speak to their role in the recovery process) o Personal and Professional Application (describe how you will/will not apply this experience) Required Textbook: Van Wormer, K., Davis, D. R. (2013). Addiction treatment: A strengths perspective (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Additional Info: I think I sent you previously a little about me so this paper makes more sense from how to write it from œmy angle. Further, an abstract IS necessary for this “ and as the evil professor has said a million times, Abstracts are NOT written in first person. Duh. But just a friendly reminder.