Introduction: What is mentoring and why it is important? Self ( Position, Years of experience, Education background) Workplace ( Organization, Unit) Learner ( Position, Years of Experience, Education background) “ Appendix : Biodata, Learning contract Introduce what I am going to write about¦ Identifying learning needs, planning and managing student’s experience: Identifying learning needs : observation / during orientation / competency test Learning style “ Honey and Mumford / Androgogy, Pedagogy ¦ Appendix : Learning Style Questionnaire Learning Strategy “ Lecture / Demo / Presetations¦ Appendix : Lesson Plan Facilitating Learning and Assessment: How was the learning experience managed? Assessment- checklist / questionnaire / anecdotal diary Appendix : Assessment format Providing Ongoing Support and Guidance: 2nd mentor Reference materials: journals / pamphlets / CME Summary: How has the mentorship programme developed the author personally and professionally Below is about myself which to be incleded in introduction.. 4 years working experience..3 years in malaysia and 1 year in Saudi.I have diploma in nursing and also advance diploma in perioperative nursing.I have been exposed to multidisciplinary field like plastic, urology, ophthalmology and many more.Currently, I am working in a semi-government hospital in Riyadh, Saudi. It has 14 operating rooms which is well equipped with high technical equipments like laser machines and robot. Being in Saudi has given me a great opportunity to explore in depth my passion towards scrubbing as this hospital is a trauma hospital and with well equipped facilities. I ahve to choose a i decided to choose a newly graduate nurse who is a sudi citizen.Its her first time working in saudi.So,we will choose surgical scrubbing,gowning and gloving as a procedure to teach her.So,it should be mention how we teach her and we need to have an evidence for it to be included in the appendix later on.Whatever we say like the learner biodata,learning agreement and other should be included in appendix. Use HARVARD REFERENCING system..Let me know if u need more information or if you are not clear of this paper instructions.Thank You