Extimating monetary rules “ do crises matter? (International Market, Institutions, and policy)

F. Scott Fitzgerald r
August 15, 2017
Extra Credit Opportunity
August 15, 2017
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Extimating monetary rules “ do crises matter? (International Market, Institutions, and policy)

Extimating monetary rules “ do crises matter? (International Market, Institutions, and policy) Topic: Estimating monetary policy rules- do crises matter? A view to tailoring the topic to your own interests, countryls, time periods etc. You can also use the topic as a base from which to you can work into something different- providing of course that it is related to be topics covered in the course. http:llwww.youtube.comlwatch?v=oZtQLaP_Zyo&app=desktop http:llwww.youtube.comlwatch?v=QM9v2iD2aUO&app=desktop http:llwww.youtube. comlwatch?v=FFgJ9C4cJQs

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