Explain what fixed and floating exchange rates are? What are the costs and benefits of a fixed and floating exchange rate? With this in mind do international businesses prefer a fixed or floating exchange rate system?

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Explain what fixed and floating exchange rates are? What are the costs and benefits of a fixed and floating exchange rate? With this in mind do international businesses prefer a fixed or floating exchange rate system?

Topic Explain what fixed and floating exchange rates are? What are the costs and benefits of a fixed and floating exchange rate? With this in mind do international businesses prefer a fixed or floating exchange rate system? Reference all sources of information through in text referencing (citation of author and date). Include page numbers where you are referring to or applying a specific thought €â⚬Åœ whether as a direct quote or a paraphrase. Include significant reference to scholarly books, book chapters and/or journal articles Primary sources (such as newspaper and magazine articles) can be used but they should be supplementary to the utilization of scholarly (secondary) material. As mentioned I need at least 3 peer review journals and if possible send me a copy of them. Do not use site like Wikipedia and etc. My teacher has text matching software I want you reference everything in text referring as well. Provide a properly structured introduction and conclusion. Avoid providing a mere summary or synopsis of developments, the paper must reflect on IB theory and contain a critical analysis of the material relevant to the topic leading to a final hypothesis. I want you to give examples when you are talking about cost and benefits. I want you to focus on giving examples for the last part of the question and support your argument in deciding which one is better fir International business you have the choice of having a neutral view again give example and explain you point. The essay should reflect and have. ïâ⚬šÃšÃ‚§ Evidence of reading relevant material, including different points of view. ïâ⚬šÃšÃ‚§ Evidence of understanding of the question asked. ïâ⚬šÃšÃ‚§ Discussion and critical analysis of relevant concepts, theories and issues. ïâ⚬šÃšÃ‚§ Logical arrangement of material relevant to question asked, reflecting an understanding of the issues and the relationships between elements of the subject. ïâ⚬šÃšÃ‚§ Use of relevant facts or empirical information to develop and substantiate critical analysis and argument. ïâ⚬šÃšÃ‚§ Clarity and correctness of writing, (e.g. grammar, punctuation and spelling). ïâ⚬šÃšÃ‚§ Proper referencing, acknowledgement and citation of sources. The reference list should be arranged by surname in alphabetical order. List of book that can be useful Czinkota, M.R., Ronkainen, I.A. and Moffett, M.H, 2005, International Business, (7th ed), South Western/Thomson. Mason, Ohio, USA McDonald, F., & Burton, F., 2002, International Business, Thompson Mahoney, D., Trigg,M., Griffin,R. & Pustay, M. 2001, International Business A Managerial Perspective, (2nd ed.), Frenchs Forest, NSW, Pearson Australia Ramburuth, P., and Welch, C. 2005, Casebook in International Business: Australian and Asia Pacific Perspectives, Person Education Australia. Wild,J.J., Wild, K.L. and Han, J.C.Y. 2006 International Business: The Challenges of Globalization, (3rd ed.) Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Pearson/Prentice Hall, USA. Marking Rubric Referencing Sources at least 3 recent books and 4 recent peer reviewed journal articles Recognized referencing style i.e. Harvard author date style in text citation Content Context the first few paragraphs that set the scene and link the relevant theory Scope to what extent does your essay’s discussion stay inside the bounds of the question Argument the validity of your argument Support for your argument what theory and examples do you have that back up your claim Structure Description all relevant theory defined, explained and includes examples Analysis application of theory Writing Style Edited grammar and punctuation Readability flow of paper

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