Executive Briefing Assignment

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Executive Briefing Assignment

Executive Briefing Assignment Research a current emerging issue in public safety administration, to include capabilities, vulnerabilities and needs for a state or local government or private entity. As an administrator, prepare a three- to five-page paper (using APA format) to brief your local private executive or public official. Your paper should be 3 €œ 5 pages in length. The title page, abstract, reference page do not count toward the 3 €œ 5 pages. Any pictures, figures or illustrations you want to include should be placed after the Reference page and do not count toward the 3 €œ 5 pages. Your assignment must be posted in the Executive Briefing assignment folder by 11:59PM on October6th. You should post your executive briefing topic in the appropriate Week 6 Discussion topic by 11:59 PM on September 29, 2013. Late assignments will be reduced by 10 points for every 24-hour period that an assignment is late. The maximum deduction for late assignments is 50 points. Any assignment more than 7 days late will not be accepted. Refer to the Late Policy located in the class syllabus. Assignments will not be accepted if they do not meet the minimum page requirements or do not conform to the 6th edition of the APA style guide (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition.) Your writing should reveal your original thinking and analysis, not merely your ability to collect facts. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. Please review the University€„¢s academic guidelines on plagiarism if you have any questions. Grading This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade for the course. Your executive briefing will be graded using the following rubric. Use this as a guide as you complete your paper. Be sure that all of the elements identified in the rubric are present in your paper. Exceptional 90€œ100% Good 80€œ89% Fair/Adequate 70€œ79% Limited 60€œ69% Poor/ Unacceptable 0€œ59% Pts. Attention to instructions and assignment Follows and exceeds expectations noted in instructions Follows instructions Follows some but not all instructions Gestures toward instructions but demonstrates little comprehension or competency Disregards instructions Creative thought/ problem-solving/self-assessment Demonstrates a high degree of originality, insight, and/or problem-solving skill Shows some originality, insight, and/or problem-solving skill Shows minimally acceptable originality, insight, and/or problem-solving skill Demonstrates very little creative thought or insight; consists mostly of second-hand ideas Shows no original thought; all second-hand ideas Adherence to APA style (APA 6th) No APA style errors No more than three APA style errors More than four to five APA style errors More than six APA style errors No attempt at APA style Development and support Thoroughly and insightfully explores, explains, and supports each idea Develops and supports key points Inconsistently develops and supports ideas Inadequately or ineffectively explains and defends ideas Does not make a meaningful attempt to explain or support ideas Source use, including appropriate guidelines Demonstrates comprehension of all source material; integrates sources appropriately and effectively Most source material is appropriate, but some is not fully explained or integrated into the paper Source material is not consistently appropriate or integrated into the paper Source material is rarely appropriate and/or rarely integrated into the paper No use of source material Clarity, including grammar Difficult material is made clear and presented in academic language Most ideas are presented clearly, but sometimes too simplistically Wordy; some points require rereading to understand fully Unclear and difficult to understand Largely incomprehensible

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