Ex. Identifying and explaining an underlying critique of the medical profession in œThe Yellow Wallpaper and Wit

Examination and Treatment for Emergency Medical Conditions and Women in Labor
August 15, 2017
August 15, 2017
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Ex. Identifying and explaining an underlying critique of the medical profession in œThe Yellow Wallpaper and Wit

(Ex. Identifying and explaining an underlying critique of the medical profession in œThe Yellow Wallpaper and Wit). (Ex. Identifying and explaining an underlying critique of the medical profession in œThe Yellow Wallpaper and Wit). Paper details 04 Research Paper A research paper is one of the requirements for successful completion of this course. Because you are taking an accelerated version of a course offered at every university across America, your paper will not be as long or require as many sources. In all other respects, the requirements remain the same. Think of this paper as an expanded version of the other essays you will write in this course. In addition to being longer, this paper also requires you to use as evidence not only facts from the literary text but also information gathered from other sources. Because you are writing a paper on a literary topic, your sources will be reviews, literary criticism, and /or essays written by expert authors. As always, it is important that you write from credible, reliable, and intellectually appropriate sources. Please use the following as guideline for the work. 1. The paper will be at least 2000 words. 2. You will use at least four secondary sources in addition to the literary text or texts you are analyzing. For our purposes, primary sources include the actual story, poem, or play under discussion while the secondary sources are articles written about those texts. 3. All sources must be correctly documented in MLA style. Refer to your Hacker guide or the Purdue Online Writing Lab (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/) for reference to this. 4. Your paper will include both in-text (or parenthetical) citations and a Works Cited page. This will not be included in your word count. All works you consult, including the bibliographical information for the story, poem, or play must be included. For help, please view: In-text citations: (You can stop listening at 4:00). Works Cited Page:

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