Evidence-Based Prevention/Early Intervention Project on Major

Evidenced Based Project
August 15, 2017
August 15, 2017
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Evidence-Based Prevention/Early Intervention Project on Major

Evidence-Based Prevention/Early Intervention Project on Major Depressive Disorder in older adult female residing in nursing home. This project is for the purpose of developing a prevention or early intervention project for older adult female residing in nursing home at risk for Major Depressive Disorder. A. Identify the ?target population? at risk for a psychiatric disorder, (Older adult female residing in nursing home). Describe the population and its characteristics (demographics; ethnic, age and racial/mix, social, and economic characteristics). B. Major Depressive Disorder should be described in detail including epidemiological data, criteria for diagnosis, and treatment including psychotherapy and psychopharmacological agents. C. Develop a prevention or early intervention project (e.g., an early screening program with treatment for high risk Older adult female residing in nursing home) including the needs of this target population in relation to Major Depressive Disorder, the goals, interventions, and outcome indicators from the research literature to evaluate the project and determine the project goals had been achieved. D. Submit the written project adhering to APA guidelines. Maximum paper length, excluding references should be between 10-12 pages. Points will be deducted for lateness, incorrect grammar, spelling errors, and failure to use APA format.PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT

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