Evaluation of Up Against Wal-Mart by Karen Olsson

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Evaluation of Up Against Wal-Mart by Karen Olsson

Evaluation of Up Against Wal-Mart by Karen Olsson Karen Olsson, the author of the article, œUp Against Wal-Mart, highlights on the poor working conditions and the hardships that Wal-Mart employees have to endure. He points out on poor health care, low remunerations, gender inequality, and the restriction of the employees from joining a worker’s union that takes care of their welfare and protects their rights. The author refers to an incident whereby Wal-Mart Branch in Texas had her meat department voted to have them join The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), becoming the only Wal-Mart having her employees in an organized union. A fortnight later, the management of Wal-Mart eliminated the Meat-Cutting Department in all the stores nationwide and fired the employees involved in voting to join the union. The example used by Olsson clearly shows the unwillingness of Wal-Mart to let her employees join a union and her dedication in minimizing costs in order to gain financially without considering the employees. The article aims at showing that the rapid development rate of Wal-Mart and its lack of commitment to treating the employees fairlyare just but a creation of insubstantial employments for the poor. In order to support her argument, Olsson uses testimonies from Wal-Mart employees. She gives an example of Jennifer McLaughlin, who earned a yearly salary of $16,800 even after working for three years. The employees receive poor pay despite the company making a profit of $6.6 Billion in her previous financial year. Further, he explains the unwillingness of the company to let her employees join a worker’s union.The evidence provided by the author through first hand witness experience of Jennifer McLaughlin serves well to justify his claim of the issue of poor pay. Additionally, the author shows the unwillingness of the company to let the workers join a union using Eric Jackson’s case. When Jackson contacts a local union to negotiate for him to receive a job promotion, they make him attend prolonged meetings and watching of ant-union videos. This makes the other workers unwilling to join the union for fearing to lose their jobs. It is clear that the evidence brought out by the author justify her claims. However, it could have served well if he had the explanation of the management of their reluctance to allow a workers union. The author uses an essay form to bring out her ideas. This is through narrating experiences of workers in Wal-Mart to reach the audience. The form serves well since the information given comes from individuals concerned, thereby making it more credible. The essay form is ideal because the stories narrated makes the parties concerned easily relate with the article and made it easy to understand the issue at hand. The article concerns itself with an issue that continues to hit the headlines concerning the conduct of Wal-Mart. From the past, many people have argued against the mistreatment faced by the workers given that it is the country’s largest employer with about 1.3 Million workers. The text is still effective and relevant to the ongoing debate since it concerns itself with issues that remain unresolved by the company, more especially, remunerations and right to join a worker’s union. The text aims at reaching the public to expose the ills taking place in thecompany and make them understand. The text can also be of concern to the Human Right activists who could easily come to the rescue of the suffering employees. Inasmuch as the management of the company is aware of all the ills taking place, having them exposed is a sure way of making them feel ashamed and want to protect the reputation of the company, not to lose customers. The management of the company remains the most answerable people who need to act accordingly in defense of the allegations made. Additionally, the article hopes that the Human Right activists could use the information and be outraged in defense of the workers who for a long time have undergone mistreatment. The Human Rights Activists is an organization that always endeavors to have human beings respected and treated fairly with dignity. The author reaches the targeted groups since the article is in the public domain for all to read. The text is effective in passing the intended information through the first hand narrations given and examples of mistreated works by Wal-Mart Company. The author uses quotes coming from different employees of Wal-Mart and expounds on the topics. For instance, when McLaughlin gives a narration of poor remuneration, Olsson goes ahead to give a detailed information about the sales of the company versus the wages it pays her employees. There is also a good transition from the views presented by different employees. The transition from different individuals shows the disgruntlement from many employees of Wal-Mart thereby allowing Olsson have a good understanding of the topic. The transitions used by Olsson serve well in strengthening the article as it adds the perspective of the employees and making the article easily understandable with a good flow. The tone of the article is of anger and dissatisfaction on the mistreatment of the workers of Wal-Mart. The author says, œComplaints about understaffing and low pay are not uncommon among retail-workers-but Wal-Mart is no mere Peddler of Saucepans and Boom Boxes (Olsson). This shows the kind of resentment the companies’ unfairness receives from both the workers and the author’s view about the issue. The tone of the author works well in putting the workers together and raising their spirit to fight for their rights. The multiple narrations of employees and in-depth research from the Labor Ministry serve well by showing the seriousness of the matter at hand. The article is immense use for purposes of carrying out research since the author has done extensive coverage. There is enough research done concerning the topic, from the employees, the management, and concerned departments that oversee companies. Thereby the author has enough experience in investigating matters to come up with the accurate information and avoid speculation. The author is credible because he reaches out to the concerned for their comments concerning the topic under discussion. The evidence gained from the research is credible since it comes from concerned parties. For instance, McLaughlin undergoes many tribulations under the companies watch. The evidence is reliable since the authorities confirm that she is an employee in their company and try to show their unwillingness in solving the issues raised. For instance, the company spokesperson says, œunion representation may work well for others (Olsson). The comment shows the belief of the authorities on the workers needs a union. Works Cited Olsson, Karen. œUp Against Wal-Mart. Mother Jones. 1 Apr. 2003. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.


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