Essay, Other Subject

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Essay, Other Subject

Essay, Other Subject CJUS 350 DB6 Replies Project description Please rely to each of the two statements posted at the end of the instructions. Spend half the page for each posting by writing whether you agree or disagree and why. Each posting was responding to the following question: Rookie officers often emulate the actions of their field training officer. Therefore, why is it important to ensure we select the best field training officers in the organization? ¢Please consider the scenario, Moral Weakness/Moral Courage, found in the lecture notes for this module/week. How would you have handled this situation? Dilemma 6 Please read Lies, Internal Affairs, and Videotape from the textbook. Please advise how you would handle this situation. Do you believe that if no complaint is filed, then there is not a problem? Why or why not? The statements that need to be replied too are as follows: Deborah Bradley-It is very important and crucial to say the least that there are the best field training officers’ in the police and correction organizations. The reason for this is because whomever these training officers are, they are going to be shaping and molding these new recruits into upstanding officers and they need to have the tools necessary to help them especially when in a situation that could require dealing with moral conflict. In the scenario of Moral Weakness/Moral Courage I have to say that I may have reacted like the new officer did unfortunately. I would probably have been stunned by what just happened before my eyes especially if I was a new recruit. I would think that I would learn from the situation as well. You hear about things like this happening and until they do happen you do not know just how you are going to react. My conscience would have gotten the best of me also and I would have turned him in as well a few days later. These moral/ethical situations are getting harder and harder as the modules go on. I had no idea until this class how much this exists. I saw this a little bit in the 1980’s but I did not work in the field long enough to experience the culture. In œLies, Internal Affairs and Videotape from the textbook reading there is definitely a reason to file a complaint. Just because the Internal Affairs investigator was looking for one particular incident does not mean that when she found a different incident where a suspect in booking was being beaten by some officers, that it should not be reported. Absolutely if there was behavior on the tape that showed an officer abusing a prisoner in custody the ethical thing to do would be to handle the situation and report it. What if the person who was beaten decided later on to tell someone what happened? Also what if someone in the police department saw Internal Affairs looking through the tape of where that incident had actually happened. This would not make the Internal Affairs person look good and she could also be held accountable for knowing information and not reporting it and possibly losing her job. The lesson learned here is to do the right thing the first time! Greg McGee-It is necessary to ensure the best field-training officers are selected as educators for many reasons. If the instructor is a decorated field officer, that instructor will carry the weight of not only a subject matter expert, but also of proving themselves within their profession. This merit lends additional credibility to the instructor and aids in the students willingness to pay attention to their instructions. This is the primary reason why the instructor must ensure they are teaching the fundamentals of ethics and are not including any personal bias. Jones and Carlson (2004) highlight the effect an instructor has on their students when stating, The potential for influence generally has its roots in either the student’s fear of, or respect for, the teach or simply in the fact that how well the student does in the course is perceived by the student to be in the teacher’s hands. (p. 55) While the instructor mostly remains unbiased and does not factor into the students ability to graduate, because of this perception it is paramount to have instructors that are morally and ethically sound. With these characteristics, the instructor will remove any personal bias and ensure the student receives the proper training they need to succeed within the profession. The question presented in Moral Weakness/Moral Courage is a very real indicator of the struggles many people face in their day-to-day lives. Christians are instilled with the ability to perceive right from wrong; it is the practical application of this trait that is often difficult. With the ability to discuss this instance with the recruit, I would highlight the intellectual and moral strength it takes to admit the difference between knowing and not knowing what is right. By being able to differentiate right from wrong, they already have more moral strength than many people do in the world. Because of this, they have all the required strength needed to apply those morals in any given situation. The situation presented within Lies, Internal Affairs, and Videotape is a very difficult situation for the internal affairs agent. Clearing the false charge would have been a very relieving moment, but seeing the images depicted on the videotape would be a humbling experience. After the research presented no charges and upon further review of the videotape I would directly talk to the officers involved. While there was no sign of combativeness after the first baton strike, that does not mean that verbal threats were not continuing to be made by the prisoner arrested for a DUI. Since the prisoner was under the influence it is not out of the scope of reason to think they could be threating future violence until the officers quit their assault. After finishing the conversation with the officers, I would contact the prisoner who neglected to press charges. If they say that nothing negative happened then I would dismiss the situation. If they stated that they stopped confronting the officers after the first strike, I would contact several witnesses to collaborate the story. If there were numerous witnesses that confirm the prisoner did nothing further to provoke the officers I would bring the situation to my supervisor for further investigation.TO ORDER FOR THIS QUESTION OR A SIMILAR ONE, CLICK THE ORDER NOW BUTTON AND ON THE ORDER FORM, FILL ALL THE REQUIRED DETAILS THEN TRACE THE DISCOUNT CODE, TYPE IT ON THE DISCOUNT BOX AND CLICK ON ˜USE CODE’ TO EFFECT YOUR DISCOUNT. THANK YOU

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