Essay about œhow power might be invested in architects or, alternatively, might
August 15, 2017
ESL curriculum
August 15, 2017
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Topic: ESSAY 3 REFLECTION ESSAY 3 REFLECTION INSTRUCTIONS ? Write a brief essay in which you reflect on your experience writing Essay 3. This reflective essay should address each of the following: 1. Describe your writing process. 2. What do you view as your essay’s strengths and weaknesses? 3. Discuss an assigned reading (selection from RFW or TSIS) or an assigned resource (Web site or video, for example) that you found useful while working on your essay. Be specific. Clearly identify the reading or resource and explain why it was useful. 4. What did you learn while writing Essay 3? ? The reflection should be at least one page, double-spaced. MLA style is required for work submitted in this course. Use the œMLA Sample Paper

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