Discuss each of the following in the context of language arts development in elementary-aged children: 1. Reading 2. Writing 3. Speaking 4. Listening 5. Viewing 6. Visually representing Introduction Language art development in children starts with listening to sounds of familiar voices which comforts them. As children continue to listen to this familiar speech, they end up storing vocabulary of these familiar names in their brains. They later get in love with pictures and they start looking at of animals, other babies and some familiar objects. They later learn about rhymes which help boost their language development and imagination and these known to be fun as well. They later begin to talk which in their own language at first but become closer to speech as they continue to grow Reading The first week of reading is meant to help students feel comfortable in the new surrounding and learn daily schedule. The students’ familiarity with classroom procedures and protocol is crucial in the first week of learning process. Daily reading instruction routines should comprise reading to children and by children (Reutzel & Cooter, 2011). It is recommended for teachers to spend minimum of 120 minutes in literacy block divided onto four segments as word work, writing, fluency and vocabulary strategy. First 30 minute block is for the word block intended to assist students build letter name, recognize and decode words, spell words and exp[lore other print concepts. reading fluency is done by use of whole or small group instructions for another 30 minute block. A teacher demonstrates and models various fluent reading aspects such as accuracy in reading, the rate of reading and reading prosody. Writing The next 30 minute block of instruction is for writing skills where core elements of the writing curriculum arte taught. Cognitive writing strategies, writing processes and as well as writing conventions that include grammar are taught. Allowing students to explore various writing formats and engaging in variety of writing tasks is necessary. The last 30 minute block according to this teaching instruction is dedicated to comprehension strategy. Teachers are required to model and demonstrate comprehension strategies like answering questions using both text structure and graphics. The four block described are meant to be taught with explicit instructions and can be offered in either small or whole group settings Listening Listening to storybooks is essential for developing listening skills for children. Explanation of skills to teach and why it is important is essential. The use of œkid speak will help children understand better the skills being taught. Visually representing Visual representation comes in forms of graphic organizers and strategy charts on the walls. Looking at the pictures and Learn that pictures are different from words. They also learn that printed material carries a message and later they are able to identify some letters. they are able to recognize some labels and signs in the house and the surroundings and enjoy books and stories as they react to humor in the stories Potential problem Avoid distractions as the child cannot read when hungry and tired and always conduct the reading session in a quiet area away from TV and radio and far from where other children are actively playing. The child’s attention may be short lived therefore it is advisable to start with one page with great picture and see what interest the child show and increase the length of session as you go along. Teachers’ behavior may distract children in their learning process, Brophy, et al (1986). To support the child reading. Parents are required to assist in child learning literacy process by being a regular at the local library and let the child choose the books of interest to take home. -Making reading a daily routine by reading the child’s favorite stories with the child Giving the child lots of books to look at on his own will make him/her learn that reading is important. After reading it’s advisable to discuss the books with the child. Encouraging the child to draw pictures will help improve his reading. Playing with silly word games even in the car, kitchen etc especially those beginning with same letters. Gunning, T. (2010). Creating literacy instruction for all students (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon/Pearson Education. Reutzel, D.R., & Cooter, R.B. (2011). Strategies for reading assessment and instruction: Helping every child succeed (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Brophy, Jere E., and Thomas L. Good.( 1986) œTeacher Behavior and Student Achievement, in Handbook of Research on Teaching (Third edition). Edited by Merlin C. Wittrock. New York: Macmillan. Place your order now¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ EMERGENT LITERACY Introduction Language art development in children starts with listening to sounds of familiar voices which comforts them. As children continue to listen to this familiar speech, they end up storing vocabulary of these familiar names in their brains. They later get in love with pictures and they start looking at of animals, other babies and some familiar objects. They later learn about rhymes which help boost their language development and imagination and these known to be fun as well. They later begin to talk which in their own language at first but become closer to speech as they continue to grow Reading The first week of reading is meant to help students feel comfortable in the new surrounding and learn daily schedule. The students’ familiarity with classroom procedures and protocol is crucial in the first week of learning process. Daily reading instruction routines should comprise reading to children and by children (Reutzel & Cooter, 2011). It is recommended for teachers to spend minimum of 120 minutes in literacy block divided onto four segments as word work, writing, fluency and vocabulary strategy. First 30 minute block is for the word block intended to assist students build letter name, recognize and decode words, spell words and exp[lore other print concepts. reading fluency is done by use of whole or small group instructions for another 30 minute block. A teacher demonstrates and models various fluent reading aspects such as accuracy in reading, the rate of reading and reading prosody. Writing The next 30 minute block of instruction is for writing skills where core elements of the writing curriculum arte taught. Cognitive writing strategies, writing processes and as well as writing conventions that include grammar are taught. Allowing students to explore various writing formats and engaging in variety of writing tasks is necessary. The last 30 minute block according to this teaching instruction is dedicated to comprehension strategy. Teachers are required to model and demonstrate comprehension strategies like answering questions using both text structure and graphics. The four block described are meant to be taught with explicit instructions and can be offered in either small or whole group settings Listening Listening to storybooks is essential for developing listening skills for children. Explanation of skills to teach and why it is important is essential. The use of œkid speak will help children understand better the skills being taught. Visually representing Visual representation comes in forms of graphic organizers and strategy charts on the walls. Looking at the pictures and Learn that pictures are different from words. They also learn that printed material carries a message and later they are able to identify some letters. they are able to recognize some labels and signs in the house and the surroundings and enjoy books and stories as they react to humor in the stories Potential problem Avoid distractions as the child cannot read when hungry and tired and always conduct the reading session in a quiet area away from TV and radio and far from where other children are actively playing. The child’s attention may be short lived therefore it is advisable to start with one page with great picture and see what interest the child show and increase the length of session as you go along. Teachers’ behavior may distract children in their learning process, Brophy, et al (1986). To support the child reading. Parents are required to assist in child learning literacy process by being a regular at the local library and let the child choose the books of interest to take home. -Making reading a daily routine by reading the child’s favorite stories with the child Giving the child lots of books to look at on his own will make him/her learn that reading is important. After reading it’s advisable to discuss the books with the child. Encouraging the child to draw pictures will help improve his reading. Playing with silly word games even in the car, kitchen etc especially those beginning with same letters. Gunning, T. (2010). Creating literacy instruction for all students (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon/Pearson Education. Reutzel, D.R., & Cooter, R.B. (2011). Strategies for reading assessment and instruction: Helping every child succeed (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Brophy, Jere E., and Thomas L. Good.( 1986) œTeacher Behavior and Student Achievement, in Handbook of Research on Teaching (Third edition). Edited by Merlin C. Wittrock. New York: Macmillan.