Electro-Acoustic & Electronic Music

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Electro-Acoustic & Electronic Music

Electro-Acoustic & Electronic Music Paper instructions: IUPUI ICTC building room 152 at 730 Oct 16 Electro Acoustic Ensemble -Lift(in three movements) 2014- Dr Robin Cox -The unanswered question 1908- Charles Ives arranged by Dr robin cox -Piano, Saxophone, electric guitar, synthesizer, audio engineer, trumpet Electronic Music Ensemble -Benjamin Smith- Director -live coding demonstrated Body of the Report Write your report as follows: “ Concert reports must be AT LEAST 1,200 words in length and am most particular about this. In addition to reading your reports, I ALWAYS do a word count. “ Use normal 12-point font size and DOUBLE SPACE your report to enable instructor’s reading/editing/comments. “ Focus the content of your report ONLY on the musical aspects of the performance. “ Reports must reflect the fact that you heard the entire concert and are writing about what you heard. “ Write about all the works that were performed and in your own words, so that your report clearly reflects your personal listening experience. You can use the concert notes from the program but sparingly. Use music terminology whenever possible to describe what you heard “ texture, tonality, rhythm, harmony, tempo, instrumentation, vocal parts, staging, etc. “ When attending the concert, DO NOT LEAVE before the performance is completed, which makes it impossible to report on the entire performance. Obviously not acceptable, and will not fulfill the concert requirement. “ Reports must be grammatically and technically correct. Use your SPELL CHECK and again confirm your word count (use the tools in the lower left hand corner of MS Word) that your report is at least 1,200 words.

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