Domestic violence case study

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Domestic violence case study

Domestic violence case study
Critically analyse the Domestic violence case study provided relating to issues of violence and harm within the family. Identify the issues at play, discuss the policy & legislation that might impact on that case.

Critically analyse the Domestic violence case study provided relating to issues of violence and harm within the family. Identify the issues at play, discuss the policy & legislation that might impact on that case and outline an appropriate professional/service response. (3000 words)
I am studying a BA honours in working with children young people and families so my case study analysis work needs to meet this degrees requirements. I am an undergraduate student so I would like you to use simple straightforward English as an undergraduate student. Also can you please use ‘English’ references and ‘English’ words in my assignment not ‘American’ please. Even though I choose an english writer to do my work this seems to be the case all the time and me telling you now will save me from giving it back to you and getting it done again and sending it for revision as I don’t have much time to that and want it to be correct the first time. Also please reference using the Harvard way throughout my work.
Also please include everything I have asked for please look at the lecture notes on and everything that links with domestic violence please include and critically analyse and don’t be too descriptive. Please look at the reading list and include them readings too. If you don’t understand anything feel free to message or call me.
Domestic violence case study
I am tired. I just returned from the solicitors. I had to fill out the forms to extend the injunction against my ex-husband, again. He will never leave me alone. I wonder if the police think it is my fault?
Today, I am in the shelter of my home, having left the women‘s refuge nine months ago. I want
to move on with my life and the lives of my children. Sometimes I wish Margareta was here to
support me as I decide what to do next. She was always there when I needed someone to talk to
at the refuge. She knew when I was crying silently in my room. The children felt safe at the
refuge , and they enjoyed going out with the other children. I could stay back and have time for
myself. That was really helpful. Maybe I will call her.
He was at our back window again. I always know when he has been there. Yesterday, the
children said he shows up at school sometimes. I should have known. He has complained to the
child welfare department that he wants to see his children. I think he just wants to get to me. It
isn‘t about them. The woman at the welfare office says that a father has the right to see his
children. I guess he went to anger management courses. What can I do?
If we have to go to court again, I hope we have the same judge as last time. She really put him
in his place. He tried to lie to her and she did not believe him. That was good. The police told me
to stay in touch with my solicitor. I will make another appointment. She knows me. She knows
the law.
Answer these questions for the case study by looking at the issues, what policies, legislations. theories, models, professionals, agencies will help.
Does anyone know him?
I guess there are men who say, ‘All right, then I’ll stop it’, or who give up at some point. And,
there are men like mine, who don’t quit. At some point you just have to hope.

? What policy issues arise from this case study?
? How would you explain the case study and what practice issues arise?
? What recommendations would you make?
? Consider one of this case study relating to issues of violence and harm within the family. Identify the issues at play, discuss the policy & legislation that might impact on that case and outline an appropriate professional/service response. (3000 words)
? Identify the issues at play,
? Discuss the policy & legislation that might impact on that case
? Outline an appropriate professional/service response.
? As well as what you do know identify the key areas where you will need to do further work
? A clear description of the issues making reference to theory or models as appropriate
? A clear and focussed discussion of the policy/legal context as it applies to the case study
? A clear description of the practice/service issues involved and evaluation of any particular issues or challenges
? Evidence of appropriate reading/ research (using a range of sources)
? A clear and well structured argument
? A sustained attempt to be evaluative and analytical
? Working with violence and harm plan:
? Look at it from a particular angle and make it easier.
? Respond to the case study.
? Important points need to be picked out.
? Identify key points.
? Focus on key issues.
? What are the policy issues that arise?
? What would actually happen to the current policy how can it be dealt with better?
? Include ‘your recommendations’ For example: what would happen? What should happen? Give evidence of reading.
? Make sure it has clear structure and is well argued.
? Use theory and models to evaluate and analyse policy.
? You can only use first person for personal opinion (In the end)
Domestic violence: women’s aids view.
What kind of violence is it, physical, psychological or financial violence etc.
how does it take place intimately or family type and what kind of pattern does I form coercive/controlling behaviour etc?
need to explain how the following link with the case study analysis and how they should be addressed.
Understanding vulnerability and risk: (Risk factors Heins et al 1994, Barnish 2004)
Why might we say domestic violence is hidden? Potential consequences..
Stan Cohen: attitudes in the family and wider society..
Policies: (Must include)
Domestic violence unit/ Family protection units
Crown prosecution service: are perpetrators of domestic violence and work with the police and other agencies to get robust evidence placed before the court.
Criminal courts
Judicial goals: to tell the public that domestic violence is not acceptable. To help and protect the family and children etc.
Sentencing option: for example fines, custody suspended sentence how does the offence relate to these sentencing options and which one should be addressed for the case study etc..
include which themes of resettlement support and need for change in the case study. For example COGNITIVE (THINKING) EMOTIONAL (FEELING) DOING (PRACTICAL) RIDGE ET AL 1994 PG 410
Promoting resilience working with families how does this link with case study. Include the Bromfenbebber 1989 ecological framework resilience in children.
Frameowrk for the assessment of resilience factors (Danial and walsell 2002)
Protective environment, vulnerability, resilience adversity.
attitudes in family and wider society (media)
Listen to the reading from Doyle’s (1996) book, ‘The Woman Who Walked Into Doors’.
Cultural representations, challenges for professionals the implications of violence and harm being hidden
critically analyse all the issues in the case study by answering the questions given and how the issues should be addressed by also critically analysing the policies, theories, legislations, risk factors put in place to help the issue.

Phipps 2010 states DV is seen as primarily a criminal justice issue and as an individualised crime
But is also seen as an economic issue-‘the costs of domestic violence’
Argues that support is seen instrumentally; to secure conviction, reduce cost etc. rather than holistically
Reinforced by stereotypical views as to who perpetrators are influenced by class and race
Fails to acknowledge role of ‘embodied heterosexual dynamics’ and the prevalence of coercive sexual behaviour (for example constructions of ‘rape’)
What are likely to be the consequences of this in terms of policy and what is it likely to mean for those who have experienced violence?
holes in the policy net: what are the gaps and why?
What do those who have experienced Violence want from services?
Criminal justice system: statutory agencies involved in protection from domestic violence
the barnardo’s model/ortario model
use the attached powerpoint lecture slides and word documents to address certain issues take key note and to further reading. Also look at the slides to use reading which the lecturers have and their references to gain more information.
Reading which can help:



Childhood experiences of domestic violence
McGee, Caroline

Book. English.
Published London : Jessica Kingsley2000

Domestic violence and child protection: directions for good practice
Stanley, Nicky, 1955-; Humphreys, Catherine
Book. English.
Published London : Jessica Kingsley2006

Supporting women after domestic violence: loss, trauma and recovery
Abrahams, Hilary, 1941-
eBook, Electronic resource, Book. English. Electronic books.
Published London : Jessica Kingsley2007

Children living with domestic violence: towards a framework for assessment and intervention
Calder, Martin C; Harold, Gordon T. (Gordon Thomas); Howarth, Emma L
Book. English.
Published Lyme Regis : Russell House2004

Picking up the pieces after domestic violence: a practical resource for supporting parenting skills
Iwi, Kate, 1967-; Newman, Chris, 1956-
Book. English.
Published London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers2011

Counselling survivors of domestic abuse
Sanderson, Christiane
eBook, Electronic resource, Book. English. Electronic books.
Published London : Jessica Kingsley2008

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