Develop four [4] recommendations on how HRM can align itself with strategic management by reflecting on HRM’s administrative, one -way, two-way, and integrative linkage (Kramar et al. 2014:57-60)?

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Develop four [4] recommendations on how HRM can align itself with strategic management by reflecting on HRM’s administrative, one -way, two-way, and integrative linkage (Kramar et al. 2014:57-60)?

t is a report on Strategic Human resource management. It must have 4 recommendations. Its must have four links between Michael Porter’s strategy and HRM. It is just the report. it is assessment 1 in the materials i will upload. Strategic management often demands that people management or HRM is aligned with its strategies turning HRM into a ˜structural’ support function (e.g. Chandler’s structure follows strategy, 1962). Develop four [4] recommendations on how HRM can align itself with strategic management by reflecting on HRM’s administrative, one -way, two-way, and integrative linkage (Kramar et al. 2014:57-60)?

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