description of the problem : Ineffective leadership

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August 15, 2017
August 15, 2017
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description of the problem : Ineffective leadership

Section 2: description of the problem Ineffective leadership Effective management of the workforce ensures that the employees are not only satisfied, but also comfortable. Employees will always leave if they feel they unappreciated by management. Ineffective leadership leads to poor management of the organizational resources. Whenever conflicts and differences arise between employees, they are repressed and avoided by management. With time, the problems pile up leading to division of employees, along the conflicting factions. At this point, teamwork becomes difficult, and there is loss organizational harmony. Employees will choose to leave and find a better work environment. Leaders may also set up targets that are unrealistic and sometimes harassing their juniors (Mobley). The process of hiring new employees requires organizational resources. The organizational focus may be directed toward the hiring process and thus affecting the organizational progress. Costs incurred while hiring new employees include advertisement costs, cost of reviewing applications and also the costs incurred in compensating the retained employees for extra work done due to the departure of an employee. There are additional costs of training and inducting new employees into the organization. Regularly hiring may drain the organizational resources and eventually drive Leaders should hold the organization together. Leadership entails all activities involved in organizing and overseeing operations within an organization. Northouse argues that a leader is a person with the ability to coordinate and plan for various activities within an organization. Someone tasked with the role of leadership should be rational and well informed to make the most effective decisions and come up with sound strategic plans that will enable the organization continues its operations into the future. Survival of any organizations, especially business, depends on the ability of the leaders to provide visions for the organization. Leaders are responsible for ensuring harmony within the organization through the creation of a good business environment for their employees to work. Leaders who fail to adhere to the above guidelines discourage their staff from performing their duties effectively and consequently derail the organization’s progress (Northouse 4). Transparency and openness in communication between the employees and the organization are notably a source of motivation for the employees. Organizations that adopt or implement simple chains of communication simplify employee’s accesses to vital information. If a leader fails to outline the communication channels in the organization, there is a breakdown in communication. If the employees do not find a way of airing their views, they are likely to feel like outcasts. Leaders who adopt a friendly demeanor in their interactions with their juniors encourage the junior employees to share their problems and challenges. They also encourage their juniors to suggest appropriate solutions to some of the challenges (Goleman 12). In decentralized organizations, decision-making is simple and quick since it only involves the parties that will directly bear the effects of the decisions. Leaders who make decisions and then enforce them on employees make the employees feel enslaved. Likewise, leaders who fail to share critical information with their followers make their followers or junior employees feel left out of the organization. A bad manager who is unfriendly to the employees may also differentiate himself from the other employees in ways that makes the juniors feel resented and suppressed (Goleman 12). Poor working conditions Poor working conditions can also lead to the resignation of employees. Poor working conditions entail all the occurrences and work regulations that do not favor individual rights and freedoms. Poor remunerations and harsh work regulations can discourage employees to seek alternative jobs. Employees are easily demoralized when the turnover rate is high. Once an employee leaves, his/her duties are delegated to the remaining staff. A problem arises where employees are overworked. New employees are also less viable; they take long to learn their new duties. During this time, their productivity is low. For this reason, the whole organization’s efficiency is lowered. The quality of products and services is also likely to be compromised by the new employees. During their learning process, they are likely to underperform, a factor that will affect the quality of output. For instance, a new employee in a production firm is likely to produce more defects in the final products (Mobley). New employees in such a firm are likely to increase the number of broken and damaged goods due to their limited handling knowledge. The end result is compromising the quality of products and also results in reduced profits. The company is likely to lose customers when they feel that the quality of goods and services has changed. A good workplace should have a functional organizational culture that supports employee learning and development. Employees should feel comfortable at their place of work. As a result, employee efficiency and productivity increases (Mobley). However, workplaces where employees face bad organization that limits interaction, hinders employee development. Organizational cultures that limit employee development demoralize employees who opt to seek alternative jobs. Some managers may engage employees in continuous quarrels and complaints that are not necessary. Employees feel belittled by their superiors and often regard the workplace as a jail. When workers are restricted and denied their freedom, they are likely to quit and find somewhere else they are comfortable working in (Mobley). Employees can leave an organization if they are subject to long working hours without rest. Worse still some organizations may not remunerate their hard work effectively. Some organizations engage worker in overtime duties without paying for the extra work. Delayed remunerations without proper explanations is another factor that discourages employees from working in an organization. Other organizations may decide to fine employees on little mistakes. Such issues demoralize the employees and eventually lead to their resignation. Outsourcing Outsourcing can also increase the turnover rate. Outsourcing is the engagement of external parties in the performance of the organizational activities. Outsourcing may demoralize employees by making them feel less effective or underproductive. In this case, employees opt to leave. Outsourcing is notably a major contributor to the high levels of unemployment. As described earlier, this is the act of delegating some of the organizational duties to another organization. In production, it means contracting the services of an outside firm to produce goods for the organization. Once a company delegates some duties to another firm, the organizations employees are likely to be laid off since their services become obsolete (Hom & Rodger 21). Some employees have to be rehired on contract terms and also on part-time basis since there is a reduced workload. The employment terms in contracts and part-time jobs are often not favorable. Thus many employees opt to resign (Hom & Rodger 11). Outsourcing may also demoralize the employees of an organization. When the company decided to outsource, a few workers would be laid off due to the reduced workload. The remaining employees may not be happy about the firing of their colleagues. They may also feel that the company decided to outsource since they were unproductive. This makes them feel unappreciated and less wanted by the company (Robbins & Mary). They perceive to be used by the company until it gets better alternatives to replace them, just like their colleagues. Before this moment comes, many may opt to resign and find somewhere they will be appreciated. The firm will have to hire new employees to replace them. Section 3: Solutions Leadership and organizational growth have close ties. Many researchers have revealed that leadership capabilities determine company growth. Leaders that have successfully grown the revenues and profits of their companies are those that value leadership training and development. It is for this reason that many have asserted that leadership traits determine organizational growth and longevity. Effective leadership entails rationalism in decision-making and making decisions that include all stakeholders. Leaders that engage customers and other stakeholders in the industry are able to understand various factors influencing external business environment and device a way of dealing with them. For instance, leaders should seek the views of the stakeholders before outsourcing. This way, they will come up with a way that is acceptable to all stakeholders (Robbins & Mary). Leadership is not an inborn characteristic. Leadership is a skill acquired through the life lessons and processes. Good leadership begins in the early ages of development, maybe in school or on the playing ground. For leaders to gain efficiency in their organizations, they must be open to learning and development. This way, they can ascertain the best ways to organize and lead their organizations. Ineffective leadership can lead to retardation in organizational growth. If leaders do not learn how to manage their employees, they will be caught in this problem (Herrmann & Asmus). Managers play the leading role in creation of an organizational culture and organizational rules. In setting these aspects of the organization, they should ensure they adhere to the labour regulations and the human rights codes. They should also ensure they stick to the ethical codes and standards of a workplace. Managers should design communication and interaction channels that foster movement of information in both directions. Failure to do this will make the workplace unfavorable for the staffs. Managers ought to ensure the work regulation incorporates individual preferences to ensure the employees enjoy the comfort of the workplace. They should also devise a way to solve internal conflicts amicably to make the work environment-friendly to employees. Failure to do this, they risk reducing the productivity of the employees or worse, losing them (Goleman 12). Works Cited Goleman, Daniel. €œLeadership That Gets Results.€ Harvard Business Review April 2012: 10-18. Herrmann, Katharina and Asmus Komm. Quantifying the link between leadership talent and revenue growth. Boston: Egon Zehnder International and McKinsey & Company, 2011. Hom, Peter W, and Rodger W. Griffeth. Employee Turnover. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Pub, 1995. Print. Lussier, Robert N, and John R. Hendon. Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2013. Print. Mobley, William H. Employee Turnover, Causes, Consequences, and Control. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1982. Print. Montana, Patrick J, and Bruce H. Charnov. Management. Hauppauge, N.Y: Barron’s, 2000. Internet resource. Northouse, P.G. Leadership: Theory and Practice. London : Sage Publications , 2011. Orrick, W D. Recruitment, Retention, and Turnover of Police Personnel: Reliable, Practical, and Effective Solutions. Springfield, Ill: Charles C Thomas, 2008. Print. Robbins, Stephen P, and Mary K. Coulter. Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. Print. Vroom, V. H. and P. W. Yetton. Leadership and Decision Making. Pittsburg: Pittsburg Press, 2011.

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