Dermal Therapist

Depth Psychology
August 15, 2017
Department of Finance and Economics College of Business and Economics Qatar University Business Statistics II “ STAT222
August 15, 2017
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Dermal Therapist

Dermal Therapist You have up to 1500 words to highlight your brand. By highlighting your brand you need to explain more than just ?this is what I do?. You need to explain what you believe in as a Dermal Therapist. It needs to be in a brochure or flyer format. You can use pictures, quotes or even video/audio to help highlight your message, anything you think will help highlight the message. The message is not for your business but for you. Think about it like a resume? crossed with an ad. Think about your target market and produce something that would make them want to come to your for treatments. Remember to include: Target population Your beliefs What you do Be creative!

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