Cultural Influences on the Entrepreneurial Process in Nigeria ( Start up Phase in Nigeria)

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August 15, 2017
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August 15, 2017
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Cultural Influences on the Entrepreneurial Process in Nigeria ( Start up Phase in Nigeria)

Cultural Influences on the Entrepreneurial Process in Nigeria ( Start up Phase in Nigeria) Innovativeness and Entrepreneurship as the key factors for Growth and Competitiveness CALL FOR PAPERS Entrepreneurship is closely linked to knowledge and innovation, and together they are the main factors that affect the competitiveness of all, regions, countries and groups of countries (e.g. the EU). Ongoing globalization implies the formation of favourable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and the generation of innovations that are essential for long-term economic growth. When analysing the economic situation of the countries in the European Union one can observe significant differences in the mechanisms of support for the competitiveness of economies, particularly in terms of financing research and development, the number of patent applications, scientific research, entrepreneurship and innovation. The purpose of the book is to collect the experiences of various countries in shaping the conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and innovativeness, along with their impact on the competitiveness of the country and region. Topic : Cultural Influences on the Entrepreneurial Process in Nigeria ( Start up Phase in Nigeria) Papers should be theoretical analysis The book will be published .This publication is used for scientific peer review. Length of papers should be 4,000 “ 8,000 words (including bibliography). Notes for Writer structure of the paper according to following rules: No internet sources please. Writer can also take a look at previous order #81214501 to have an idea of what was previously written. However, This paper must be great because it’s going to get published. The writer should please read the below instructions ( for instruction, Style etc) and be free to ask question if in doubt at any point in time. title, abstract, keywords, JEL classification “ introduction of the paper with the rationale for undertaking this topic “ 3-4 main parts divided by subtitles “ conclusions “ references Number of sources/references: 40/50 No Internet sources/references 1. Chapters should contain original unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere. 2. Manuscripts intended for publication should be written in English and submitted in Word to the e-mail adresses of the Editors. 3. The Paper should be accompanied by a summary of the paper of not more than 200 words, plus keywords and the Journal of Economic Literature classification. On the first page the names of the author(s) and their affiliation should also be added. 4. Footnotes should be listed consecutively throughout the text with superscript Arabic numerals. 5. Quoted passages of more than 40 words should be offset from the text by indenting the left-hand margin four spaces, as a block quotation. 6. Margins: left 2 cm; right 3.5 cm; top 2 cm; bottom 2 cm; font size 12; line spacing 1.5; 33-34 lines per page. 7. Mathematical notations should be typewritten and conform to the following guidelines: (i) Symbols representing variables should be italicised. (ii) Avoid symbols above letters, and use acceptable alternatives (Y*) where possible. (iii) Where mathematical formulae are set out and numbered, these numbers should be placed against the right-hand margins as ¦ (1). (iv) Careful checks regarding the layout of all mathematical formulae, including alignments, centring length of fraction lines and type, size and closure of brackets, etc., should be carried out before the final manuscript is submitted. (v) Where it would assist referees, authors should provide supplementary mathematical notes on the derivation of the equations. 8. In the text, references should be indicated by the author’s name and date of publication, plus the page number where appropriate: e.g. Blinder (1998, 40); Hicks (1965a); Hicks (1965b); Krugman and Obstfeld (2000). References should be listed at the end of the article according to the style in the following examples: Blinder, A.S. (1998). Central Banking in Theory and Practice. Cambridge, The MIT Press. Kalecki, M. (1943). Political Aspects of Full Employment. The Political Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 322-331. Simon, H.A. (1976). From Substantive to Procedural Rationality. In: S.J. Latsis (ed.), Method and Appraisal in Economics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 9. Do not cross reference to page numbers. Cross references should refer to a section number: e.g.: See section 1.4. 10. Authors are responsible for the careful checking of galley proofs.

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