Contract Management Contract Management Coursework Important Notes: The writer must be expert and specialist in Contract management Read the course work carefully All parts of each task must be written professionally as each task is worth some percentage. The mark percentage is indicated clearly next to each task The final deliverable must meet the all coursework requirements and objectives so no comments are on final submission. However, The product can be sent back to you to revise if there is any comments even after 2 months of the submission No plagiarism is allowed and accepted. The writing must be from the scratch This hyperlink should be used as applicable to complete this task You must read the lectures notes attached and use them as applicable to that tasks You must delivered a draft submission Coursework Description: You are a contract manager who has been employed to manage a major computer project for an automotive manufacturer. You will be involved in the tendering process, negotiation and post negotiation activities. The chosen contract will be involved in the supply of both hardware & software and other associated activities. It is expected that many of the sub system incorporated into the system will be sourced outside the European Union. This is a very difficult and challenging exercise involving legal issues, health and safety, financial considerations and negotiating with contractors with regard to payment terms and conditions. The law which more applicable her is UK law Your answer will be assessed on the clarity of your argument (referencing applicable cases and laws as appropriate), structure, grammar and reasoning. You should discuss areas relating to- Offer, acceptance and settlement of contracts, including letters of intent (20%) Areas of potential dispute, liability of each party in a contract dispute, (20%) Health and Safety issues, title to property and tort law. (20%) Good Business Planning (includes scheduling and project planning) (20%) Conclusions and Recommendations (10%) Presentation of the report, structure, written style (10%) (Each of the above sections will be weighted as shown above) In all cases the report should be more than descriptive collations of individual submissions or library material (sources should be referenced in detail, notions alone are not acceptable) should illustrate relevant aspects of theory and accepted practices, and demonstrate thoughtful analysis and discussion of key issues. Your submission must contain a title page, contents page and all text which you have included, from identified sources should be referenced, you should include a bibliography and reference sheet using the format of Harvard referencing. NOTES: 1. The report should show detailed breadth/depth of topic coverage, analytical rigor, clarity of interpretations, quality of academic argument and conclusion. 2. You are required to research a minimum of 15 academic journal articles and 15 books which must be appropriately referenced using the Harvard Referencing style. All sources must be identified and appropriately cited. There must be evidence of background academic searching / research, the extent of use and relevance of reference material literature techniques and models. 3. Your analysis is to be presented as a report of 3,000 words in length excluding appendices, and should contain clearly defined sections. 4. The report must be in word format. 5. The lecture notes are attached 6. The following link is very useful and to must be used as applicable 7. The following reading list is useful It can be read and digested the Case of St AlbansDistrict Council v International Computers Limited which has been written up by Alison White. This can be found at: At the end, the deliverable product must meet the following criteria Knowledge and Understanding: You consistently demonstrate an ability to absorb, reflect upon and deploy a wide range of subject-related knowledge and concepts, with few if any lapses in accuracy and understanding. You are able to apply excellent critical judgment to new information and ideas, comparing different data and perspectives in order to develop, substantiate and defend your own position. Problem Solving: You regularly demonstrate the confidence to go beyond the limits of the task, identifying additional issues and suggesting ways of addressing any problems. Research and Reading: You clearly recognise the importance of wide and independent reading, and are developing effective research skills, which take you well beyond the obvious or suggested sources of information. This is reflected in work, which demonstrates an impressive grasp of relevant knowledge and an original approach to the topics and problems involved. Often this is reflected in work that goes well beyond the scope of the task.