contemporary Asian artists

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contemporary Asian artists

contemporary Asian artists Topic: Since the 1970s many contemporary Asian artists have been engaging in arts practices in which the issues of political critique and socio-political activism are dominant. Critically investigate this development with reference to at least three artists. Description: You will be required to write an academic essay of 2000 words on a selected topic relating to the issues, theories and content investigated throughout the course. The list of potential essay questions can be found below. Assessment criteria: quality and relevance of research, depth of analysis, structure and coherence of argument, written communication skills. Final Essay Topics Select from the following essay topics. They have been deliberately kept quite open to enable you to follow your own interest areas. Independent scholarly research is required. You will need to assess the validity of the claims made in each topic. Remember to anchor your arguments with reference to artworks or other objects of visual culture. Since the 1970s many contemporary Asian artists have been engaging in arts practices in which the issues of political critique and socio-political activism are dominant. Critically investigate this development with reference to at least three artists.

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