comunity nutrition and puplic health

Concept analysis of patient centered care
August 15, 2017
August 15, 2017
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comunity nutrition and puplic health

Public Health and Community Nutrition Scenario The Alpha Mining Company operates an iron-ore mine in remote Western Australia. The company employs 1000 workers representing trades and professional occupations. The workers do shift-work, flying in for 3 weeks work and flying out for 1 week off, in any one month. Most workers average a 12 hour work-day. The mine site has a well-equipped cafeteria with cooking staff, and all meals including snacks are provided to workers; food is available 24 hours a day. The company has noticed that workers are tending to put on weight resulting in health problems, absences due to sick leave and consequent loss in productivity. The company have approached you to assist them to develop a healthy eating policy and it is within your brief to take on this request. Describe the process of developing a (micro-) healthy eating policy for the alpha mining company. Your paper should address the following questions. 1. What are the possible nutrition and health problems confronting staff of the Alpha Mining company, that this policy needs to address? Use the literature to support your case. 2. Who do you see as the key stakeholders in this policy process? For each of the stakeholder groups, consider factors that may contribute to support for, and resistance against, the development of a healthy eating policy. Refer to literature on community engagement in program development to discuss how you will engage stakeholders to work positively on developing a healthy eating policy. 3. What information do you need to get from the stakeholders to inform the policy process? What methods will you use to get this information? Use references to support your proposal if possible. 4. What national or state macro- policies support the development of this micro- (company) policy? For example, Workplace Policy that promotes a healthy workforce, or nutrition policy that promotes healthy food choices for obesity prevention. Ensure all information used is referenced. 5. What will the policy document contain? List headings with dot points. Reference as necessary. s ? Improved morale and working atmosphere 3

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