Computer Networks

August 15, 2017
computer networks fifth by edition Tanenbaum
August 15, 2017
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Computer Networks

1. Critically evaluate the structure of computer networks, architectures and their protocols. 2. Display a mastery of the structure and the requirements of local area and wide area networks. 3 Demonstrate expertise in the problems associated with the construction and management of open systems and their domains of application. Outline of Problem The Internet has grown from a research project involving a small number of research institutions to a global infrastructure reaching into the most remote parts of the world, and is used for a vast array of applications. Following trends on the Internet is important for policy makers and enterprises that need to make important decisions that may shape the future. The ˜size’ of the Internet is one such trend and holds a fascination for many people. Many attempts are made to estimate the population of the Internet, often presenting quite different results, as there are many definitions of what the population should be. One aspect of the population that is critically important to the operation of the Internet is the number of allocated IP addresses. Some parts of the world have already depleted their IPv4 allocations such as: APNIC, and RIPE NCC, and it is expected that the IPv4 allocations in the rest of the world will be exhausted in the near future. You are required to research and report on this topic according to the Detail of Question below. You are also required to give a group presentation on the topic. Detail of Questions This coursework considers the twin problems of Internet Population Measurement and Address Exhaustion & IPv6 Deployment. In detail: 1. Internet Population: Provide a discussion of the difficulties in measuring the Internet Population, including the possible definitions of ˜population’ in this context, how these might be measured and their respective strengths and weaknesses. You do not need to estimate the population but you might find it useful to illustrate your discussion with published statistics. 2. IP Address Exhaustion: Although the problem of IPv4 address depletion is due to the design of the original Internet, there have been a number of factors that aggravated this crisis. Provide a critical assessment of the IPv4 address exhaustion crisis where you identify these additional factors and explain how these factors affected the IPv4 address exhaustion crisis. You need to draw heavily on published evidence and opinion. 3. IPv6 Deployment: Based on the common IPv6 transition strategies provide an analysis of the likely deployment path of IPv6 i.e. which strategies are most likely to actually happen, and why, and the likely timescales involved. What you should hand in A report following the structure outlined in ˜Detail of Questions’ above. All sources of information MUST be referenced. The report MUST be formatted according to the IEEE authoring style guidelines for conference papers. A copy of the guidelines is available at: using the research conducted for your report you are required to deliver a 15 minute seminar presentation. Guidelines/Length There is no strict word limit but the report would be expected to be in the region of 4000 words, including references. Resources Required Internet and LJMU LRC. Microsoft PowerPoint, PC and projector facility will be provided for the presentation. Other information Research Report: The research report must be an individual work, not a group work. Group Presentation: Students are required to form groups amongst themselves and each group must inform the Module Leader of the membership list of their group. The Tutor will then issue a timetable showing when/where each group will be presenting. Your presentation will be a part of a one-hour sessions, with three groups per session. Your group presentation should be 15 minutes (13 minutes talking, 2 minutes for questions). Presentations will be marked immediately following the session and verbal feedback will be available. To receive a mark you must present some part of the group presentation, failure to do so will result in a zero mark. Plagiarism Your attention is drawn to the University Modular Framework Assessment Regulations (Section D Appendix C) regarding academic impropriety This covers cheating, attempts to cheat, plagiarism, collusion and any other attempts to gain an unfair advantage in assessments. The work you submit must conform with those regulations.

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