Compare with China and UK air pollution policies from different factors and effects.

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Compare with China and UK air pollution policies from different factors and effects.

Compare with China and UK air pollution policies from different factors and effects. Introduction: Introduce the current environmental background of the all human life. Environment social movement influence. Why air pollution is important in our human life. The theme is about different factors and effects influence China and UK Air pollution policies. And why. Body: CHINA: Introduce the current environmental background in China. Chinese air pollution influences. Current Beijing and other Chinese cities’ air pollution issues.( include how serious air pollution affect Chinese’s life.) Why Chinese air pollution issue is a very serious problem? Effects and factors: (IMPORTANT!!!) China’s environmental history Five Year Plan ( 1953-1957) Great leap forward (1958-1960) Deng Xiaoping Economic policy. Economic growth issues. Geography issues Population issues Political structure issues. ( China is a communist party and authoritarian country) How much influence does above movements impact Chinese air pollution issue? Current air pollution policy in China Give examples from these pollution policies. Chinese current air pollution policy How much does Chinese government pay to deal with air pollution issues? How is Chinese air pollution policy work? Good or Bad? UK: Introduce the Current environmental background in UK UK air pollution influences Current London and other UK cities’ air pollution issues.(include how serious air pollution affect people in UK’s life) Why UK air pollution is a very serious problem in UK? Effect and factors: UK Environmental history- and how much influence for the Air pollution from these movement. Industry Revolution WWI and WWII Cold War Economic growth issues. Geography issues Population issues Political structure issues. ( UK is a Liberal democracy country) How much influence does above movement’s impact UK air pollution issue? Current air pollution policy in UK Give examples from pollution policies UK current air pollution policy How much does UK government pay to deal with air pollution issues? How is UK air pollution policy work? Good or Bad? Conclusion: The similarities between China and UK’s air pollution situation The differences between China and UK’s air pollution situation What efforts can these two countries do to improve the current situation? What other countries can learn from UK and China’s air pollution policy experience? What is your suggestion from China and UK environment policy.

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