The led must not be compelled; they must be able to their own leader.†Albert Einstein No man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent.â€? Abraham Lincoln Why are some leaders more powerful that others? Is there one bes
The following week of the group case study presentation, each group is required to submit a written report about the case study as detailed below.
The format for the case report is outlined briefly below:
Introduction This section should comprise a brief overview of the case, giving a brief background, noting any important assumptions made the major problems identified and solutions recommended. This section must not be than 50 words.
Problem Identification and Analysis Identify all the major and minor problems in the case using OB concepts and theories. Explain the underlying problems and not just point at the symptoms from the case alone. It is very important to link each problem identified to relevant theory and also to actual from the case. Do not forget to integrate theory and to reference all non-original work.
Also you will normally identify a number of problems in a case. It is crucial to make statement of major problems very clear, which are the major two or three problems, or key issues that must be solved first. You need to understand that the major problems you have identified might be different from some other person’s; you need not worry about it as this is bound to happen in the field of .
This section is just a short concise statement of what problems you are going to solve in the remainder of the case. Half a page is adequate. Having one identified the key problems, you can continually check back to ensure that you are actually attempting to solve them and not some other minor problems you identified. This section is crucial to a good case report.
Generation and Evaluation of Alternative Solutions (Brainstorming) Most problems will have a large number of possible solutions; it is your task to identify and evaluate a number of the more appropriate (at least 2-3 for each major problem identified). Each alternative solution should be briefly outlined and then evaluated in terms of its advantages and disadvantages (strong and weak points). Note: You must evaluate alternatives. It is not necessary to make a statement in this section as to which alternative is considered best this is the next section. Provide relevant or theories to explain the reasons for identifying these as problems and also practical solutions to the problems.
Implementation Here you should specifically explain how you would implement the recommended solutions. You have to translate theory into actions. You should also include who should do what, when, in what sequence, what it will cost and other such issues. Remember that if a recommended solution cannot be realistically implemented then it is no solution at all.
References This will contain an alphabetical list of all the references you have cited in the body of the report. Do not include details of any sources you not cited. Ensure you use The Faculty of Business Harvard Referencing style must be used for referencing.
You are required to prepare individually an the below given question.
The led must not be compelled; they must be able to their own leader.â€
Albert Einstein
No man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent.â€?
Abraham Lincoln
Why are some leaders powerful that others? Is there one best style†of leadership or does it depend on who is following? Do women followers prefer a different leadership style than men followers?
Length: 1,500 words
Due Date: Friday 16 May 2013
Assessment value: 25%
NOTE: For this assignment, only OB/ books and journal articles post 2000 should be included in your assignment. Using OB textbooks as your only form of research or referencing is NOT sufficient.
Guidelines for essay preparation
requires a thesis statement, a body of argument and evidence and a conclusion. A thesis statement is responsive to the question identifying the topic of the essay, indicating a position†with regard to the question, and suggesting the line of reasoning which will be developed in the essay. The body of the essay develops and supports the thesis makes points in support of the thesis and supports those points with evidence (for example, expert opinion, examples, anecdotes, data, research findings, etc.). The stringing together of quotes is not a line of reasoning nor is jotting down points under sub-headings. Sub-headings in an essay are a convenience, but an essay can and must be able to be understood without them. It is your responsibility as the author to ensure that your line of reasoning and your evidence are comprehensible to the reader; it is not the reader’s responsibility to do your thinking make your connections for you. Also, be aware that the material presented in the body of the essay should be explained and critically evaluated, whether quotes, data, summaries of research, examples, anecdotes, etc. Finally, an essay has a conclusion which draws together and summarises the ideas and line of reasoning presented in the essay and makes some meaningful statement with regard to the thesis as it has been developed in the essay.
In effect, the parts of the essay are responsive to the following questions:
Thesis statement: What is your short answer to the question?
Body of : How do you arrive at that answer? What is your line of reasoning and your evidence for it?
Conclusion: What should the reader conclude from what you have presented?
Assessment guidelines for Essay
Essay assignments are assessed on three major aspects:
1. Content
Have you read and understood the issues and concepts raised in the assigned materials in the and from other sources you may have found? You demonstrate this by raising and critically discussing these issues and concepts in your assignments in response to the questions asked. It is expected that you will cite many, if not all of the relevant assigned readings in your assignment.
Readings are assigned to raise issues and concepts considered important from an educational point of view (they provide you with tools of analysis, evidence, comparison) and/or from practitioner point of view (they raise topics of importance for the current and future management of staff). You are expected to address them.
2. Analysis
Are you able to use evidence (examples, data, research findings, etc.) to explore critically the concepts and issues and draw appropriate conclusions? Please note that use of quotes is often regarded as very weak evidence.
If you use your own workplace as an example or if you are asked to write in a context of your own organisation, please be advised that markers are less interested in a description of your workplace situation than in your ability to the concepts and issues to that workplace. In other words, focus mainly on the issues and concepts, not on your workplace. This part is very important for your level of study and hence a very high weightage is allocated.
3. Presentation
Before submitting your assignment it is advisable to review it. Have you written an report? Do you develop points in a clear and logical fashion? Can your line of reasoning be followed? Are your citations and references in proper format? Have you corrected spelling and punctuation errors? Have you written in non-discriminatory language?
It doesn’t matter how much effort you put in on an assignment if the product is unsatisfactory. The only way markers know if you know something is by your ability to communicate it clearly. It is your job as the writer of the assignment to communicate what you know. It is not the job of the reader to try and figure out what you mean.
A good test of whether or not your essay is well written and addresses the question is to ask someone to read it and tell you what the question is you are attempting to answer. If they cannot identify the specific topic, it is likely that you haven’t answered the question. Also ask them to explain what they saw as your major points and conclusion. If they cannot identify these, it is likely that you haven’t accomplished what you set out to do. Further, you should ask them if the evidence persuaded them and the line of reasoning you offered to support your conclusions. If not, then it is likely that you have not supplied satisfactory evidence and/or not developed a satisfactory line of reasoning. For those of you uncertain about what is required in an , you will find numerous books in any university or public library on this subject.
It is suggested that you read several of the assigned readings for how the author presented his/her line of reasoning as well as for what s/he had to say on the topic. How did s/he tell you what the article was about? How did s/he develop the line of reasoning? How did s/he move from one paragraph to another smoothly? What sort of evidence was presented to support each point? Was the evidence credible? How did s/he directly support his/her point? How did s/he deal with information or evidence that actually contradicted or did not support the point? How did s/he conclude the article?
Written Work Requirements
(a) All written submissions for this Unit must have the Faculty of Law and Business Cover sheet completed including the word count and signed declaration of originality (via LEO)
(b) The Harvard referencing style is to be used to acknowledge all your sources cited in all your written work submitted for this Unit (Harvard guide via LEO).
(c) All written submission should be word processed; double or 1.5 spaced, using Times Roman 12 points font.
(d) Pages must be numbered at the bottom right hand corner.
(e) You should retain a photocopy as tangible evidence of all written submissions.
Note: Failure to adhere to the above requirements will result in either marks being deducted and this will be at the Tutor’s discretion.
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