Victim Assistance Program
You will assume the role of a person who has been a victim of crime and who wants to develop a victim assistance program. To begin this process, research must be conducted to develop resources to be used in developing the proposal and business plan. Identifying a minimum of 10 scholarly and professional resources, you will develop an annotated bibliography, using the guidelines in Course Content. A minimum of five pages is required, and all pages must be numbered. Also required is a cover page listing the title of the paper, your name, the date, and the course title and number. The Title and Reference page are not included in the page total.
Develop a Program: Described in detail what the elements of a sound and supportable Victim Assistance Program. List services and what agencies might provide the services. Showed relationships with other entities, prepared organizational charts depicting organization and relationships with other organizations.
Develop Business Identified (estimated but supportable) costs associated with the services, staff, management; office space, and other logistics, etc
Summarize Resources: Summarized the information you obtained from 10 scholarly resources. Requires demonstration of the points of the resource to the developed program.