Self-Service Technology (Internet Banking)

Marketing Project Report
August 10, 2017
response to biopsycosocial assesment
August 10, 2017
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Self-Service Technology (Internet Banking)

Topic: Self-Service Technology (Internet Banking)

Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

This assignment based on the role of self-service technology within service retailing based on (Internet Banking)
Style:Essay Format

The main purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to do individual research to expand upon knowledge in a particular area of retail marketing and distribution. Students need to show how the theory they uncover relates to a specific area of retailing in their home country (Australia). This semester/trimester students are required to investigate how self-service technology (SST) benefits service retailers in their overall retailing efforts. For this assignment students need to demonstrate they understand what self-service technology is and how this is being applied in their allocated service industries. NOTE: This DOES NOT mean that you should exclusively focus upon internet marketing in retailing as there are many other applications of SST.

To demonstrate how the theory you identify in your research relates to your allocated service retail industry you can either approach writing this assignment from the perspective of the wider service industry (e.g. airlines in general) or specific service firm(s) (e.g. Jetstar, Qantas, Cathay Pacific, etc.). As a bare minimum your assignment should include a definition of self-service technology in retailing; discussion related to its characteristics; highlight its role for retailers; identify the current trends in technology retailing; discuss the pros and cons identified in the literature of using this approach in retailing. This is not an exhaustive list of points to discuss as you are likely to uncover many other salient issues when conducting your research for this assignment.

However, in order to complete this assignment effectively you will need you to draw upon: (1) the academic literature (ie. journals and texts) to help demonstrate your understanding of multi-channel retailing theory, and (2) practitioner related literature (ie. industry or government reports, popular press, etc.) to demonstrate the application of SST retailing in your chosen retail service setting. A good starting point for the assignment will be to understand the various aspects of SST outlined in the Berman and Evans text and then link this to relevant academic literature. However, the text is very limited in scope on SST so I have included some sample references below to give to a start. You MUST complete a journal search using electronic databases and show evidence in your essay of having sourced and understood material from at least eleven academic sources other than the textbook. A full list of references should be included at the rear of your assignment.

Example References for SST
Bitner, Mary Jo, Amy L. Ostrom and Matthew L. Meuter (2002), ?Implementing Successful Self-Service Technologies?, Academy of Management Executive, 16 (4), 96-108.
Liljander, Veronica, Filippa Gillberg, Johanna Gummerus and Allard van Riel (2006), ?Technology Readiness and the Adoption of Self-Service Technologies?, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 13, 177-191.
Meuter, Matthew L., Mary Jo Bitner, Amy L. Ostrom and Stephen W. Brown, (2005), ?Choosing Among Alternative Service Delivery Modes: An Investigation of Customer Trial of Self-Service Technologies?, Journal of Marketing, 69 (April), 61-83.
Parasuraman, A. (2002), ?Technology Readiness Index (TRI): A Multi-Item Scale to Measure Readiness to Embrace New Technologies?, Journal of Service Research, 2 (4), 307-320.
Provides a concise introduction to the topic. Student shows the relevance of self-service technology (SST) theory to their allocated services retailing area.
Understanding and Information Sources:
Indicates having read a range of literature (including recent academic journal articles) on the topic, including reading around the topic to gather material on aspects of alternative views. In short, student demonstrates understanding of the relevant SST theory and of having incorporated this material into all sections of the essay. Correct referencing of sources used.
Demonstration of the ability to critically discuss and evaluate the various viewpoints related to SST. The student shows they have drawn upon the literature and used this to discuss some positive/negative aspects of the role of SST retailing in industry.

Integration of theory and practice:
Illustration of relevant SST theory with examples from the service industry (in general) to demonstrate an understanding of the practical implications of SST retailing (i.e. shows how theory is linked specifically to retailers in their allocated industry).

Highlighting of the main points and what they mean in terms of current and future marketing strategy and/or outcomes for the allocated service industry.

Presentation of the Assignment:
The essay is professionally presented and structured. Essay is clearly written, free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Make sure you follow all the requirements above and its should be at least 20 references and make sure its original not plagiaries since it will be submit though turnitin web.

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